With a population of over 24 billion in 2003, Firefly's Bird Encyclopaedia says there are more chickens in the world than any other bird. Chicken supplies the two sources of protein in food: chicken meat and eggs.

Biology and habitat
Domesticated fowl originated from red jungle fowl (chicken bangkiwa, Gallus Gallus) living in India. However, molecular testing indicates the possibility of donation germplasm from G. sonneratii, because the red jungle fowl does not have yellow skin trait that became a feature of pet chickens.
Chickens showed morphological differences between the two types of sex (sexual dimorphism). Roosters (champion, rooster) is more attractive, larger in size, has a long spur, berjengger greater, and a long flowing tail feathers. Hen (hen, hen) is relatively small, small, short spur or barely visible, small berjengger, and short tail feathers. System is regulated by sex hormones. In the event of disturbances in the physiology of body functions, hens can change sex to male because adult chicken still has ovotestis on dormant and can be active at any time.As pets, chickens are able to follow where humans carry. These animals are very adaptive and can be said to live anywhere, as long as the available food for him. As most pet chickens have lost the ability to fly well, they spend less time on the ground or sometimes in trees.Small-sized chicken occasionally preyed upon by birds of prey, like eagles.
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