These birds often form large gangs that move together in the canopy of trees; often also mixed with other species. Although the glasses are primarily insectivorous birds, but he also feed on nectar and other varieties of fruit. While looking for prey on the sidelines of the foliage, the bird is constantly moving from one branch to another branch, and then move on to another tree nearby, while continuing to sound high berkeciap once every few moments to communicate with members of the group members are happy lainnya.Semua groups, flying in a flock.
Zosteropidae White-eyes, black-eye & ibon PASSERIFORMES Pleci
In Java, these birds lay eggs recorded from January to October. Eggs amounted to approximately three (2-5) grain pale blue, placed on a nest of a typical saucer shape. The nest is made from roots, stems and leaves bones, and other plant materials, and decorated with moss. Nests are placed on the branching twigs or bamboo grove, about 2-4 m above the ground.
In Australia and some have become pests in the vineyards because it was perched on the stalk and the wounding of plants.
These drawings of birds pleci

Location : Christmas Island (Australia), Indian Ocean
English synonyms: Christmas Island White-eye
Remarks : Species endemic to Christmas Island.
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