Kicau Nusantara Burung Sikatan atau nama latinya White Throated Fantail ini berung yang sangat lucu, bulu bewarna coklat ke hitaman dan mempunyai ciri fisik dengan ekornya yang sangat panjang, burung sikatan or srikatan ini banyak di jumpai di sungai-sungai atau di danau, sawah. Berikut foto-photo burung srikatan/ sikatan. 
I took the picture of this White-throated Fantail in Mt Kinabalu so I suppose it should be Rhipidura a. kinabalu but I really have a problem with the white throat. By all accounts it should have a white throat and chin but all the birds of this species that I have seen seem to have black chin. Perhap my vision is blurred by the constant motion of the bird but have a second look at the picture.

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