Arachnothera affinis (Horsfield, 1821) Streaky-breasted Spiderhunter Pijantung Gantung
Description Pijantung Gantung :Medium-sized (17 cm), green and gray. Upper body olive-green, the lower body is gray with fine black streaks on the chest that is his trademark.
Iris brown, beak black above, paler below beak, pink legs.
Voice Pijantung Gantung :
Bercericit sound rude. Varied cries of "wii cii dii wiit - TII RII", "cii cii cer" and other sounds.
Global deployment:
Peninsular Malaysia, and Great Sunda.
Local spread Pijantung Gantung :
Pijantung birds commonly found in hill and mountain forests and secondary forests to a height of 900 m in Sumatra, Java and Bali. In Kalimantan, are quite common inhabit lowland forest, secondary forest and the hills to an altitude of 1000 m.
Generally solitary. Often come to the wild banana trees and flowering trees such as dadap quite high from the ground. Flying low and fast through the woods like Pijantung Small. Can live on higher ground.
Spider, banana flowers, seeds, litu Hemoptera, tenggeret, fireflies.
Breeding Pijantung Gantung :
Eggs two eggs mottled brown or gray, placed in a beautiful attacking attached at the bottom of the leaf width of the fabric of a spider's web. The outside of the nest covered by pieces of flowers and stems of plants. In Java recorded nesting in April, May, and nesting again in October and November.
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