Collection of knowledge about the hummingbird that comes from Indonesia, you can download the voice or chirping in kicauburungnusantara hummingbird. Good article about the hummingbird is beneficial to you, and do not forget to preserve a hummingbird in Indonesia to maintain natural habitats and our grandchildren can enjoy the beautiful sound merdunya hummingbird.
Small (11 cm). Males: upper body olive green, metallic blue throat, lower body yellow, the middle of an old orange-colored chest. Females: upper body pale green, the side of the throat and chest grayish yellow. Young birds resemble the females.
Kerikan sharp metallic "the-si-si", sometimes "whiip" or dual tone whistle with a rising tone of the first and second tone decreases.
Global Penyebarab:
Endemic P. Sumba.
Local spread:
Common in lowland P. Sumba, NTB.
Nectar-eating birds that often visit the garden or a flowering tree. Male birds have an aggressive behavior in maintaining tree teretorinya, repel and attack other males that come. Only females ready to mate the birds are allowed to visit and foraging in flowering trees along the teretorinya.
Cinnyris buettikoferi (Hartert, 1896) Apricot-breasted Sunbirds Burung Madu Sumba
Small (11 cm). Males: upper body olive green, metallic blue throat, lower body yellow, the middle of an old orange-colored chest. Females: upper body pale green, the side of the throat and chest grayish yellow. Young birds resemble the females.
Kerikan sharp metallic "the-si-si", sometimes "whiip" or dual tone whistle with a rising tone of the first and second tone decreases.
Global Penyebarab:
Endemic P. Sumba.
Local spread:
Common in lowland P. Sumba, NTB.
Nectar-eating birds that often visit the garden or a flowering tree. Male birds have an aggressive behavior in maintaining tree teretorinya, repel and attack other males that come. Only females ready to mate the birds are allowed to visit and foraging in flowering trees along the teretorinya.
Cinnyris buettikoferi (Hartert, 1896) Apricot-breasted Sunbirds Burung Madu Sumba
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