Arachnothera chrysogenys (Temminck, 1826) Yellow-eared Spiderhunter
Collection of knowledge about the hummingbird that comes from Indonesia, you can download the voice or chirping in kicauburungnusantara hummingbird. Good article about the hummingbird is beneficial to you, and do not forget to preserve a hummingbird in Indonesia to maintain natural habitats and our grandchildren can enjoy the beautiful sound merdunya hummingbird.
description Pijantung Telinga Kunig :Medium-sized (17 cm), olive and yellow. Upper body olive-green, yellow lower body. Recognizable by the yellow patches on the cheeks and eye circles.
Iris brown, beak is rather dark, legs pale brown.
High tone at the time of flight "twit twit twit ii".
Global deployment Pijantung Telinga Kunig :
Peninsular Malaysia and the Sunda Great.
Local spread:
Residents still are not common in lowland forests of Borneo and Sumatra (including its satellite islands) to an altitude of 1400 m. There are few records of this nurung breeding in lowland forests of West Java. There is no record in Bali.
Like visiting flowering trees in the forest, in secondary bush, and parks.
food Arachnothera chrysogenys (Temminck, 1826) Yellow-eared Spiderhunter :
Small fruits, seeds, and spiders.

Pijantung Telinga Kunig
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