collection of knowledge about the hummingbird that comes from Indonesia, you can download the voice or chirping in kicauburungnusantara hummingbird. Good article about the hummingbird is beneficial to you, and do not forget to preserve a hummingbird in Indonesia to maintain natural habitats and our grandchildren can enjoy the beautiful sound merdunya hummingbird.
description Arachnothera robusta :
Large (21 cm), with a half thick, olive and yellow. Olive upper body, lower body yellow. Throat and chest dark stripes. Characteristic: a large, thick beak, there are no spots on the cheeks, no eye circles, and chin are white. Dark tail with white tip.
Iris brown, black beak and legs brown.
Chirp high-cit cit cit cit-time flying, or hard monotonous Ciu-ciu-leathery leathery from a high perch tree.
global deployment
Malaysia, and Great Sunda.
Local spread Arachnothera robusta :
Birds that are rarely found in forest hills in Sumatra and Java, usually at an altitude of 400-1400 m. A rare bird in the forests of Borneo rndah plains.
Similar pijantung others. Birds are solitary and aggressive pursuit of other birds out of teretorinya pijantung. Perched on high branches while singing.
Spiders and insects, including praying mantis and wasp caterpillars bamboo.
Nest length (± 30 cm) of fiber-shaped cavity attached to the bottom of the large banana leaves or similar leaves. 2 eggs egg white with fine black streaks form a line at the widest part of the egg. In Java recorded breeding in April, June and August.
Pijantung Besar Arachnothera robusta (S. Müller & Schlegel, 1845) Long-billed Spiderhunter
description Arachnothera robusta :
Large (21 cm), with a half thick, olive and yellow. Olive upper body, lower body yellow. Throat and chest dark stripes. Characteristic: a large, thick beak, there are no spots on the cheeks, no eye circles, and chin are white. Dark tail with white tip.
Iris brown, black beak and legs brown.
Chirp high-cit cit cit cit-time flying, or hard monotonous Ciu-ciu-leathery leathery from a high perch tree.
global deployment
Malaysia, and Great Sunda.
Local spread Arachnothera robusta :
Birds that are rarely found in forest hills in Sumatra and Java, usually at an altitude of 400-1400 m. A rare bird in the forests of Borneo rndah plains.
Similar pijantung others. Birds are solitary and aggressive pursuit of other birds out of teretorinya pijantung. Perched on high branches while singing.
Spiders and insects, including praying mantis and wasp caterpillars bamboo.
Nest length (± 30 cm) of fiber-shaped cavity attached to the bottom of the large banana leaves or similar leaves. 2 eggs egg white with fine black streaks form a line at the widest part of the egg. In Java recorded breeding in April, June and August.

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