Kicau BUrung Nusantara When the mating season arrives the male bower bird constructs a distinctive U shaped bower from twigs in the middle of some large dry grass. In the front of the bower he makes a sort of garden and adorns the outside of it with feathers, leaves, flowers, snail shells and blue objects. If the collection of objects impresses the female then “marriage” takes place. Immediately after, the female commences building a nest in a tree where she will eventually lay her eggs. The male continues to maintain his bower and waits for visits by other females.

This page is designed to provide some basic information on some of the more regularly seen birds of the Blue Mountains. The people of the Blue Mountains are very fortunate, as a wide selection of birds reside in this World heritage area.
Birds of the Blue Mountains inhabit a variety of plant communities through out the year, but a change in seasons also sees the arrival of new birds to the Mountains. New Holland Honeyeaters follow the flowering of both bush land and the manicured gardens. source

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