Ayam hutan merah has a variety of physical characteristics that are very diverse. This is influenced by various factors, especially environmental factors such as habitat, altitude, geography and others.
In India, ayam hutan merah (sub-species murghii) from the north which is dominated by mountains cold temperature, have an average body size is larger with a thicker neck feathers and long, compared with ayam hutan merah (sub-species murghii), from the plains lower in the south.
The only sub-species of the most powerful ayam hutan merah physical character, is a subspecies ayam hutan merah bankiva, from Indonesia. The most prominent physical features of this chicken is a short neck fur, feathers with rounded ends (not pointy).

Due to isolation over thousands of years, subspecies bankiva also has a unique genetic composition, which is somewhat different from other subspecies of partridge. In guessed, is a variant subspecies bankiva ayamhutan the older.
One of the main obstacles in ayam hutan merah conservation efforts, are increasingly scarce ayamhutan is still really full-blooded or original. This is due to genetic contamination of the sub-species of the other chickens, especially the chicken (Gallus Gallus domesticus).
Marriage between two different subspecies of chicken, in this case: red jungle chicken vs. chicken, very likely, because the two chickens were from the same species (Gallus Gallus). Results of cross-breeding chickens (hybrid), in Java and South Sumatra, is known as chicken or Bruga Brugo or Bruge (chicken Brugo term we will continue to use in this post).
Intermarriage (cross breeding) between the red jungle fowl with chicken, often occur naturally in the forest edge adjacent to the settlements.
In terms of conservation, "infidelity" is very detrimental, because it will reduce the genetic quality and cause the loss of the original sources of germplasm, from the jungle fowl population in the area. Gene contamination by chicken partridge is known as: genetic pollution.
For most people, distinguish rooster results intercross (Brugo) with ayam hutan jantan the original, somewhat difficult, because both the chicken often have an almost similar physical characteristics. Nevertheless, as a wild bird, native ayam hutan still has a special feature not found in chickens Brugo.
Ciri Ciri Ayam Hutan Merah Asli
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