He island is situated in the northern part of Halmahera in North Maluku province is known for its shape resembling the letter K, as well as the island of Sulawesi. Some results of global research, said that the island of Halmahera is one of the hotspots for biodiversity, which one of the indicators measured through the presence of birds endemiknya. Known, of the 26 endemic bird species on Halmahera Island, 24 of them found on the island of Halmahera and four species are endemic to the island of Halmahera. In addition, Halmahera also has several endemic species such as two genera of plants, one mammal species, two species of amphibians, three species of locusts, three species of dragonfly, a butterfly species and 20 species of king of the land snail.
In 1995, based on survey results and the level of potential biodiversity conservation needs in the area and Aketajawe Lolobata, Department of Forestry and BirdLife International-Indonesia Programme to produce a proposed change in the status area and Aketajawe Lolobata became a National Park. Furthermore, in 1997, Assessment of Protected Area System for the Indo-Malayan region to include the second priority area as an area that should be registered as a protected area, thus setting these areas becomes a thing to do.

On the other hand, pressure on the environmental conditions in Halmahera too high. Conversion of forest areas often occurred for purposes of transmigration, agriculture, plantations, commercial logging, and poaching of wildlife makes it a threat to the existence of the forest and its species mentioned above.
In October 2004, with the support of local government through the Regent of the East Halmahera, Central Halmahera Regent, Walikote Tidore and Governor of North Maluku, the government through the Forestry Department pointed to two areas such as National Parks, according to Minister of Forestry Decree No. 397/Menhut-II/2004.
Currently Indonesia is implementing a program Birds Kemiteraan for conservation management in the National Park Aketajawe-Lolobata, Halmahera Island, supported by GEF-World Bank (period: 2007 to 2012) and Conservation of Endemic Bent Part of North Maluku, supported by the Loro Parque Foundation.
The program is continuing activities BirdLife International-Indonesia Program between the years 1994-1999, where surveys have been conducted to identify priority sites for conservation and protection have biodiversity in this region.
The result of the overall program is to reduce the major threat to forest ecosystems and Lolobata Aketajawe. This objective will be achieved through agreements that will be created between local government, community, private sector, and Management of National Parks, by ensuring integrated planning, effective monitoring and sharing information, if necessary supported by the investigation and action against violators of the law by authorities.
To ensure the sustainability of these impacts, this program will facilitate the establishment of a forum for collaborative management and build capacity of stakeholders to participate in it effectively.
North Maluku Province was officially established in 1999, which formerly was part of Maluku Province. The province is often referred to also by the society by Moloku Kieraha term, which generally means the Moluccas with four great mountain or kingdom. The purpose of this fourth kingdom is the Sultanate of Ternate, Tidore Sultanate, the Sultanate Bacan, and the Sultanate of Jailolo.
Currently, the province of North Maluku government administratively consists of six counties and two cities, namely:
- Ternate
- Tidore
- North Halmahera Regency
- West Halmahera
- East Halmahera Regency
- Central Halmahera
- South Halmahera District, and
- Kepulauan Sula
Provincial capital located on the island of Ternate in the east side of the island of Ternate. Ternate is an old city. The city was established officially established on December 29, 1250, so it's been 758 years old. Dated December 29 and year 1250 are two separate times. December 29 is when the Sultan Babullah victory over Portugal (Portuguese expulsion from Fort Gamlamo in Ternate in 1575). While the year 1250 as the time believed to be the beginning of the process of founding the first city as the capital of Ternate Sampalu (based on an old document written by Jogugu Marsaoli, 1697).

- Four genera (genus) of endemic birds found in the northern Moluccas, and the fourth was found in Halmahera.
- The island of Halmahera and surrounding areas also has two endemic genera of flowering plants. One of the two genera are endemic (Parakibara) is found only in Halmahera, while others (Pseudosmelia) were also found on Morotai.
- Halmahera Island became the main habitat for 24 bird species endemic to North Maluku and have the kinds of animals unique to the island level, which was not found on any other island in the world. These animals typically consists of one species of mammals, four species of birds, two types of amphibians, three kinds of locusts, three types of dragonfly, a species of butterfly-tail length and 20 kinds of land snails (Source: Sujatnika et al. 1995, Flannery 1995 and Monk et al. 1997).
Halmahera Blok Lolobata Aketajawe forest in Halmahera Island officially designated as national parks under the Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 397/Menhut-II/2004 dated October 18, 2004, for the support of the Regional Government of East Halmahera, Central Halmahera, and Tidore. This appointment is the culmination of a process of research and consultation carried out for almost nine years.
Size of 167.300ha Lolobata Aketajawe TN, which is divided into two blocks, namely block area Aketajawe 77.100ha (Tidore region and Central Halmahera District) and blocks Lolobata 90.200ha area (East Halmahera Regency). Aketajawe block right in the middle of the legs of the four large peninsula of Halmahera Island. While Lolobata block located right in the middle of the northeast peninsula.
There are approximately 213 species of birds that can be found on the island of Halmahera. Of the total 26 bird species endemic to North Maluku region, 24 species of which can be found in the region Aketajawe Lolobata TN. Some of these endemic species are the white cockatoo (Cacatua alba), Kasturi Ternate (Lorius garrulus), paok halmahera (Pitta maxima), and the beautiful fairy halmahera (Semioptera wallacei).
Natural forests in National Parks-Lolobata Aketajawe melastarikan main habitats for the conservation of key species of biodiversity areas of North Maluku. Forests in this region also protects an indispensable source of water for irrigation in the surrounding paddy fields and for industrial development in coastal areas.

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