Bird masteran I mean the sparrow. Well surely you can already guess where it goes, yes ... do not pelit2 to sow a pinch of rice, millet or it could be, to the roof or on our home page, every day. For more "inviting" the occasional dash of UH also be stocked.
Because in my area no one maintains a diliarkan pigeons, then the invaders of rice or millet is a sparrow. Sometimes there was also CVD / finches coming, but it usually will go away hordes of sparrows sparrows come.
For those who like the stuffing prenjak (which actually sounds good for females if stuffing MB for example), and there are trees around the house, then provide a container that can be tied / nailed to the trees (at a height of 2-4 meters) and filled in a pinch Kroto or UH every morning. If you are lucky (or even bad luck huh?), Other small birds such as glasses or pleci will also come.
To complete the thread "Creating stuffing birds / masteran is cheap", there is also a way of "natural" sound adds masteran around our homes, which get used in a period of 3-4 days to remove items 2-3 tail male crickets in the yard / our gardens. They will wander and lust when it comes time, they will "sing bersahut-replication".
Perhaps any of you have any other experience to "create the stuffing birds / masteran cheaply"? Eagerly sharing it.

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