What is a Master of Natural and Electronic Master?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
In order to tune of chirping birds have diverse and varied as we expected, it can be done pemasteran or mastering process of the birds chirping. There are two methods mastering birds singing as we know, these two proved to be very good this way are:
1. Master of Natural
Referred to Master Natural memaster birds singing here is with the maintenance of certain birds living master. Expected from the sounds of song birds issued by the master before it can be recorded and mimicked by the birds our mainstay.
There are several advantages and disadvantages with the method above, among others:
- Can be taken advantage of kicaua voice as a master and at the same time we can enjoy the beauty of birds such masters, such as coat color, shape and could be a decoration.
- Add a collection of preserved birds, as well as a hobby in the nurture and care for birds.
- AC / DC. Aside from being a master of birds, can also be included bird singing competitions or contests. Examples of birds which can be a master race of birds like the Love Bird, Blackthroat, Cotton Shoot, Cucak Beard, ciblek and others.
- We must provide time, place and specific costs for caring for the bird master. Bird master that we must be diligent to maintain the sound or gacor. Due to frequent birds master the sound, is expected to be recorded and emulated by our mainstay birds. If the nurture and care for birds that are not diligent master sound, it will be a burden for us.
- Consequences prices. The more good quality and increasingly gacor master bird that we will buy, then we should allocate funds also will be even greater. We have budgeted special funds, to buy the birds master that we want.
- The more variety of songs that we want for our flagship bird, the more birds also have to master that we have.

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