Questioned where supit urang as one marker of the sex of the bird is? Yes, supit urang or pubis is one of the organs of birds that can be used to sign the sex of the bird. As we know the results of the pubis palpability birds can give a clue male-female a bird. Generally, birds have two pubic bones (chopsticks urang) at the hip. In the breeding season, female birds pubic bone becomes more elastic and the distance between the two pubic bones are widened due to the influence of hormones. The situation can be felt by hand palpation. In male birds, the distance between the two pubic bones is narrower. However, it must be noted here that the technique can be used only palpability more convincing if the female sexual activity is active, or at least the bird was a teenager.
Mistakes are usually performed when the sign is fingered supit urang bone between the pubic bone and sternum. Therefore, some say distance supit urang red anise or anise flowers 1 cm wide, and some even say 2 cm. Of course it was wrong. Because for birds such as red anise example, the distance between the two supit urang right and left less than 1 cm.
When you feel the two bones of adult birds chopsticks, then supit urang mother bird feels like we feel the soft cartilage. And if we press, both supit urang was opened. As for males, both supit urang meetings and feels hard and feels even pointed at our fingertips that feel it.
Thus the picture position supit urang or pubic bone to the bird. May be useful.

Letak Supit Urang Pada Burung
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