The seeds of the forest Eucalyptus and Acacia make up most of the diet of the Gang-Gang Cockatoo. They are often seen feeding together in berry laden trees. When breaking open the harder seeds they hold the pods in their claws, noisily cracking them open with their powerful beaks. When birdwatchers go in search of the Gang-Gang they often hear the birds noisily eating before spotting it. Like the yellow tailed Black Cockatoo, they make a lot of mess underneath them whilst feeding.

King Parrot in Kicau Bird Nusantara
The King Parrot is so brightly coloured , it can hardly be missed.
Like the Crimson Rosella it is one of the most commonly seen birds in the Blue Mountains. It seems to prefer the rainforest environment more than most other colourful birds in the Blue Mountains where it will often be seen flying quickly past as it manoeuvres through the trees with great skill. Its call is a very high shrill. from
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