Female breeders
1. The aim To Competition (Competition) birds sing.
Find genes that have the prospect of breeding male champion. Usually the bird that has got the champion title is a reference sector in a big race qualified candidates for breeding. Although this reference is not absolute, but most do not already have the capital as a good breeding, perhaps is the problem of price barriers are high enough.
To overcome the above, look for an alternative that is relatively easier. You do this by looking for prospective breeders that have good prospects, although have never won or diperlombakan. Generally good breeding is a type of loud, bright voice mimicking other birds, have bumps distinctive voice, for example those shots, ngerol and sound variations. As well as performance and good appearance when brought rhythm track. (Regarding the characteristics of bird champion quality and prospects will be discussed in a separate article).
After determining the breeding males, the next step is to find a quality breeding female. Physical characteristics more or less the same as male breeders. Female breeders should also sought a melodious voice and putting well, has a tail that is long enough for the size of a female rock thrush. Birds should be betrothed animals from the same sub-species. This is much more difficult again, because it seldom traded magpie breeding female stone good. The majority of traders selling male sex rock thrush. The easiest alternative is to go to the magpie breeding houses of stone and ordered it in advance (usually long in this way can, because pemesannya too much).
2. Goals For Just Menangkarkan Only.
This method is usually done by the hobbies, because consideration of preserving the viability of the magpie stone building. Kind of a breeding magpie stone from sub-species of anything.
Preparing pairing
Once selected the candidates of good breeding, the first step is to introduce a voice / Twitter breeding males and breeding females first. You do this by placing both the bird in a cage hanging separately. Try to stay in one area so that the voice / chirping sound they can be each other. Try another one not shown at first. Here the function of the cloth covering the cage (kerodong) play a role. After the occurrence of each answer, leave to the rhythm of their singing in tune. (Usually takes about two to three days, but this is not absolute, depending on field conditions). In this condition memberian recommended to feed live and adequate nutrition for the birds to reach the peak heat, thus simplifying the process of pairing. (Regarding the live feed and nutrition will be discussed in a separate article).

After the chirp rhythm there is a balance between them, unite them with a gradual stages as follows:
a. Open each kerodong with the distance between the two cages 4 feet apart. Do not rush to directly connect them. Because breeding males may attack females can even kill plants. This matching activity will last for days, even in a matter of weeks.
b. After this process is going well and they have made to each other, place the cage to get closer. For example narrow range of their cages into a meter - 2 meter. Usually when two birds are suited to each other, Individual Males will show body language, such as shaking shake off its tail and displays a melodious voice to attract the attention of the female individual.
c. If the reaction of breeding females only silence on the tangkringan course, it indicates he is not ready for marriage. This process requires patience.
d. If the reaction of breeding females to take a position bent over and spread both wings, indicating it is already really ready for marriage.
e. If things like point d above, immediately enter the second captive breeding in large cages. Remove the female from the cage, while breeding males who try to still be hung in a cage inside a large cage. Let the pairing process continues until the breeding females are really ready to be married. Usually the female will often perch breeding cage surrounding the breeding males.
f. After pairing phase shows good progress, you do not need to worry to remove breeding males from the cage by hanging.
In some instances, if the birds have been placed together, they will quickly do the activities of marriage. Once this occurs, breeding females will build their nest within a day and will start laying the first time after the next days. Eggs first, second and third is usually the eggs do not produce / not hatch (infertility).

Often, if both partners entering the reproductive period, the marriage did not take place rapidly (not in a hurry), until the breeding males really accept breeding females after pairing process occurs first. Male plants will show attractive and melodious singing in front of the breeding males, as if to say that I am a gentlemen. He also will check the nest box. He needs to see if the nest boxes will be a comfortable place. Next he will go into the nest box and noticing for a long time, then will sing softly as the female parent and told her to call into the nest box.
If the parent Males leave the nest box, the female parent will check kenyamananya, but he was rarely out of the nest box before the males actually build a nest.
Ideally, birds should build its nest a few days after each other. Males are usually the parent who began to make a nest. After half of the nests are gathered, the female parent will soon exit the nest and begin to complete the nest.
Usually, after two days will take place nest is completed and the female parent will take a rest. After approximately four days, the female parent will begin to lay eggs. In one day he will lay eggs once. The number of eggs that will be incubated 3 dampai four eggs. There's even an up to amount to five eggs. When the number of eggs had reached the third point, usually the female parent had already started incubation. http://pendy-birds-collection.blogspot.com
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