Branjangan has a population that is easy to grow in their habitat. but for menangkarnya easy-so difficult. Because, as written in Kucica Magazine January 2000 Edition, branjangan easy stress and would not breed if kandanganya or place nest touched by humans. Especially if when incubating eggs, do not ever stranger enters the cage, could-be parent branjangan break eggs.
Unlike other singing birds, birds yellowish brown in penjodohannya process does not need to first through the introduction of males and females. Branjangan an adult or at least a year old, can directly reconcilable if both desire.
There was no difference in the characteristics of lust. Males and females are equally 'ngleper' when in heat. And if it has been equally lust, if released in the cage, the male and female will not fight. Once released in one cage, the male will react first with wings showed marked kegagahannya ngleper and her head up crest.
Branjangan females in the head also has crested, but a little. But his voice equally loud. Only female voice somewhat disjointed and less variation. Habit that often ngleper when lust more often. While the female if it has not appeared a little lust properties of fear. If it is so, the more male lust and the pursuit betina. Home when females fly up and down always dilkuti the male.
Branjangan matchmaking process usually occurs during the day. Branjangan ngleper male love on the rocks, being female underneath. Signs of pairing the most evident is when branjangan males often carry dried reeds for nesting. Privileges branjangan when making a nest is not always choose the space provided by the nurse. Pairing until egg-laying period is uncertain.
The time required from the pairing to spawn varies from 3-15 days, depending on the environmental situation around the breeding and nutritional intake of feed.
Cage breeding
Menangkar branjangan unneeded equipment and facilities are 'meticulous'. It's just a quiet location very influential on the success of artificial breeding of humans. Cages for breeding, as the case for walls made of wire grating Adri rather tight (small). This is so that nuisance animals such as lizards and mice are not freely enter. As for the roof bars can also wire or of zinc. Because branjangan resistant to hot air temperature, preferably roof half open so that sunlight can penetrate into the enclosure.
Inside the cage made pond about 1 meter in diameter. To facilitate the filling of water, necessary hoses connected to the engine water pump. Also provide grass and trees (do not need too shady) in order to create an atmosphere like in the original.
The materials for the nest is best to dry reeds or straw. Let the straw strewn on the ground, because if it is destined, nest-making process will be governed solely by these branjangan.
Branjangan classified as a bird perched on a rock like. Because it needs to put up a stone or order that the material of cement. Other habits, branjangan love playing with dust or sand, so it needs to be stocked dust or soil or sand around the pool.
In addition to providing nesting boxes from the ground, a height of about half a meter. But sometimes branjangan do not like making a nest in artificial boxes, these birds prefer to nest in any place as long as it is protected from disturbance of animals or humans. For example, in the bottom corner, near the stone, and others.
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