Friday, July 29, 2011



Daily care for the birds Trucukan relatively similar to other types of birds chirping, the key to the success of the routine daily care and consistent.
Following this pattern, and Daily Care for the birds Trucukan Stelan Daily:
  • 07.00 aerated birds on the terrace. 07.30 bird bath (karamba bath or spray, depending on the habits of each bird).
  • Clean the cage daily. Replace or add Voer, Drinking Water and fresh fruit.
  • Give Crickets two tails on the tube EF. Never give Crickets directly on the birds.
  • Drying can be carried out for 1-2 hours / day starting at 08:00 to 11:00. During drying, the bird should not see the bird kind.
  • After drying, wind-wind back the bird diteras for 10 minutes, then cage dikerodong.
  • Noon to dusk (10:00 to 15:00 hours) the bird can be in the Master with a Master's voice or other Trucukan birds.
  • 15:30 hours the birds come back diteras aerated, can be bathed when necessary.
  • Give Crickets two tails on the tube EF.
  • 18:00 hours and the birds returned dikerodong perdengarkan Master sound during a period of rest until the morning.
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There are several important things that must be considered in the selection of materials or going on a bird Trucukan.
  • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and feet to match. Do not choose material necked and short bodied.
  • Beak shape, you should select the form which derives half wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. The position of the nostrils choose as close to the eye position.
  • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and feet to match. Do not choose material necked and short bodied.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, indicating the material they are healthy. Leg color does not affect mental birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. This is a characteristic ingredient of a mentally well.
  • Diligent sound, this indicates that the bird has a bright prospect.
  • Firm and dry coat color, is believed to have a very long tune.
  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was of 12% -18%), not necessarily high-priced Voer will match each bird Trucukan metabolic system. Voer the complementary nutritional requirements. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • Fresh Fruit, birds love the fruit Trucukan Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of papaya, because the Papaya fruit contains high Vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, Papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic system of fruit-eating birds.

pisang kepok, makanan pisang epok baik untuk trocokan
EF (Extra Fooding), pakan tambahan yang sangat baik yaitu: Jangkrik, Orong-orong, Kroto, Ulat Hongkong, Ulat Bambu, Kelabang, Belalang dan lainnya. Pemberian EF harus selalu disesuaikan dengan karakter pada masing-masing burung dan juga harus mengetahui dengan pasti dampak klausal dari pemberian EF tersebut.
belalang protein tinggi, walang kekek, walang
jangkrik, jangkrik protein tinggi
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Character and nature of Trucukan bird

Bird Trucukan
Character and nature of Trucukan bird, bird Trucukan how to choose, how to care for Trucukan bird, bird memaster Trucukan way, tips about bird Trucukan.
Selection of going (Materials), Day Care, Pre-Race Treatment, Care and Treatment of Post-Race for the Birds moult Trucukan
The bird is a close relative of birds Trucukan Cucak Swamp. Fallen increasingly crowded race to climb along with the birds twittering in the country. Maintaining and caring for birds Trucukan is easy and can bring pleasure.

Non fighter. Trucukan bird bird is not a fighter, fighting power that exist in these birds tend to be due to the level of lust at a certain level that would make this bird to maintain its territorial area.
Easy to tame. Because of the high beradaptasinya ability, then it is easy to tame birds to humans.
Character and nature of Trucukan bird,download suara burung trocokan
Character and nature of Trucukan bird
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Thursday, July 28, 2011


As we all know, the rhythm of the song holds a very important role in the assessment of chirping birds. Since returning to the philosophy of chirping birds, the main attraction of birds singing is the ability berkicaunya sang a good tune ..
In the standard assessment of the first birds singing competitions to date, the assessment to the rhythm of the song is still occupying portions of the higher priority (larger) after the volume of sound, style and so forth.

Selecting voices pledge master for the birds, do not focus only select sounds and master the unique sounds good.

There are several things that need our attention;
Suitability rhythm of the song and the frequency between the sound of the birds mainstay of our master. Incompatibility with the master sound of birds will cause the song off-key and not pleasant to hear.
Trend Following the song there. Eg bulge and shots that are loved at the time of this meeting is bulge with speed varied with the rhythm of the song that ngeroll.
Variations rhythm of the song that luxury. The definition of luxury rhythm track here is not sound harsh bumps, but we should be able to choose the sounds that have a master speed variations are in harmony and rhythm of a song that has twisted and floated.

One more importantly, do not forget to always play the voices of the master periodically (Feedback) to bird our mainstay. So that the existing rhythm of the song does not go away and become damaged.
Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama, irama lagu memegang peranan yang sangat penting di dalam penilaian burung berkicau. Karena kembali kepada filosofi burung berkicau, daya tarik utama dari burung berkicau adalah kemampuan berkicaunya melantunkan irama lagu yang baik..

Pada standar penilaian lomba burung berkicau dari dulu sampai saat ini, penilaian untuk irama lagu masih menduduki porsi yang lebih diprioritaskan (lebih besar) setelah volum suara, gaya dan lain sebagainya.

Memilih suara-suara master untuk burung andalan, janganlah terfokus hanya memilih suara-suara master yang kedengarannya unik dan bagus.

Ada beberapa hal yang harus kita perhatikan;
Kesesuaian irama lagu dan frekuensi antara suara master dengan burung andalan kita. Ketidaksesuaian suara master dengan burung akan menyebabkan lagu yang fals dan tidak enak didengar.
Mengikuti Trend Lagu yang ada. Misalnya tonjolan dan tembakan yang sedang digandrungi pada saat ini adalah tonjolan dengan speed rapat divariasikan dengan irama lagu yang ngeroll.
Variasi irama lagu yang mewah. Yang dimaksud irama lagu yang mewah disini bukanlah suara tonjolan yang keras, tetapi kita harus bisa memilih suara-suara master yang memiliki variasi speed yang selaras dan irama lagu yang memiliki cengkok dan mengalun.
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Mastering chirping birds are trained to mimic a process or suggesting birds singing with other voices, in order to record and imitating other voices that we perdengarkan. Other voices include a kind of bird sounds, the sound of other birds and other sounds we want.
The main purpose Memaster Pemasteran or chirping birds is that the variation in bird song could sing and become more diverse

Pemasteran burung berkicau adalah proses melatih untuk menirukan atau mendoktrin burung berkicau dengan suara-suara lain, agar dapat merekam dan menirukan suara-suara lain yang kita perdengarkan. Suara-suara lain tersebut antara lain suara burung sejenis, suara burung lain dan suara-suara lain yang kita inginkan. Tujuan utama Pemasteran atau Memaster burung berkicau adalah supaya variasi lagu pada burung berkicau dapat lebih banyak dan menjadi beragam.
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Master Elektronik

Master Electronics

The meaning here is Mastering Electronic Master birds chirping with the sounds of birds play a master who has direkan into specific media. For example that has been recorded onto the media shaped Cassette, Audio CDs, MP3 CDs and Machinery (Equipment Master Birds). Expected from the sounds of birds Master issued by such electronic devices, can be recorded and mimicked by the birds our mainstay.
There are several advantages and disadvantages with the method above, among others:


  • The voices of birds can master played at any time to pledge our birds. Not limited to the time and place. Not required place, time and cost of care for the birds master. Small room and limited funding is not a problem. We can also play the mainstay of our own bird sounds bird bird is the master that there is not necessarily sold in the market. For example: several eagle species, Alap-alap, Wabler, Vireo, Jay, Cardinal, Fly Catcher and master of the rare birds who had another good song rhythm.
  • We can play to a bird we pledge only the best songs of the birds of the master. Because usually what we want from the birds is the only master of his best songs, such as birds Love Bird trecetannya desired is a rugged and long-term. Meanwhile, if we keep the bird Love bird Bird as the master, not necessarily in a day will spend as much as 10x trecetan enormity. And based on our research from the beginning until today, the ability to absorb the sound of birds chirping birds master just a few pieces away from the sound of birds and not the overall master of the song birds that we maintain master. Indirectly, by using the Master Electronics, we support the efforts of the Government and some NGOs are voicing preservation and Conservation of Natural Resources. Particularly the preservation of some master birds that exist in nature that had been threatened of extinction.


  • To produce sound really good from the recording that is in the media, we should provide technical equipment standards. (Player and speakers should be good and standard)
  • The voices of birds master was played to the birds mainstay, should really of a standard recording as well, sounding natural and unnatural. So that the birds can imitate perfectly. Because if we play to our flagship bird with a voice recording that is not clean, then the mainstay of birds recorded by us exactly as we perdengarkan.
  • We can only enjoy the sounds of birds that exist on the master recording media, but can not enjoy the beauty of birds.
Both the manner and method pemasteraran above as well. Nothing is perfect, there are always advantages and disadvantages of each method above. But we must realize, the technology is not a god who wants to master in all lines of our lives. Technology is the result of creation and human creation that aims to facilitate.

burung hantu, cara membuat mastering elektronik, cara membuat burung master, download suara burung
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What is a Master of Natural and Electronic Master?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
In order to tune of chirping birds have diverse and varied as we expected, it can be done pemasteran or mastering process of the birds chirping. There are two methods mastering birds singing as we know, these two proved to be very good this way are:

1. Master of Natural
Referred to Master Natural memaster birds singing here is with the maintenance of certain birds living master. Expected from the sounds of song birds issued by the master before it can be recorded and mimicked by the birds our mainstay.

There are several advantages and disadvantages with the method above, among others:

  • Can be taken advantage of kicaua voice as a master and at the same time we can enjoy the beauty of birds such masters, such as coat color, shape and could be a decoration.
  • Add a collection of preserved birds, as well as a hobby in the nurture and care for birds.
  • AC / DC. Aside from being a master of birds, can also be included bird singing competitions or contests. Examples of birds which can be a master race of birds like the Love Bird, Blackthroat, Cotton Shoot, Cucak Beard, ciblek and others.
  • We must provide time, place and specific costs for caring for the bird master. Bird master that we must be diligent to maintain the sound or gacor. Due to frequent birds master the sound, is expected to be recorded and emulated by our mainstay birds. If the nurture and care for birds that are not diligent master sound, it will be a burden for us.
  • Consequences prices. The more good quality and increasingly gacor master bird that we will buy, then we should allocate funds also will be even greater. We have budgeted special funds, to buy the birds master that we want.
  • The more variety of songs that we want for our flagship bird, the more birds also have to master that we have.

master burung, mastering burung, membuat burung menjadi master
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Letak Supit Urang Pada Burung

Questioned where supit urang as one marker of the sex of the bird is? Yes, supit urang or pubis is one of the organs of birds that can be used to sign the sex of the bird. As we know the results of the pubis palpability birds can give a clue male-female a bird. Generally, birds have two pubic bones (chopsticks urang) at the hip. In the breeding season, female birds pubic bone becomes more elastic and the distance between the two pubic bones are widened due to the influence of hormones. The situation can be felt by hand palpation. In male birds, the distance between the two pubic bones is narrower. However, it must be noted here that the technique can be used only palpability more convincing if the female sexual activity is active, or at least the bird was a teenager.

Mistakes are usually performed when the sign is fingered supit urang bone between the pubic bone and sternum. Therefore, some say distance supit urang red anise or anise flowers 1 cm wide, and some even say 2 cm. Of course it was wrong. Because for birds such as red anise example, the distance between the two supit urang right and left less than 1 cm.

When you feel the two bones of adult birds chopsticks, then supit urang mother bird feels like we feel the soft cartilage. And if we press, both supit urang was opened. As for males, both supit urang meetings and feels hard and feels even pointed at our fingertips that feel it.

Thus the picture position supit urang or pubic bone to the bird. May be useful.
supit urang
supit urang
Letak Supit Urang Pada Burung
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Punglormerah or anismerah or also called anisbata indeed become the idol of the Kicaumania in general.

Punglor merah or anis merah or also called anis bata indeed become the idol of the Kicaumania in general. Can no longer deny that these kinds of birds do have advantages that others with other bird species;
Competition among bird lovers, anismerah of course always be the most major event in every race. That we can see from the number of participants as well as a range of gifts that will diperebutkannya.
For the price of this bird species is also arguably the most able merajainya, in the sense if the bird is already included champions then do not be surprised anymore to pantastisnya prices.
Anis Merah (AM) should be recognized is one of the excellent bird. Not surprisingly, these birds are very many fans. That said, treating melahkan AM a job. Of course it applies to the hobbyist who just jumped into the world singing, or hobbyist long time but yet maintain intense red anise. In fact, according to some hobbyists who have long been struggling with the PM, the bird is quite easy to handle. Of course if we already know and understand the character or nature of the bird. What are the basic character of anise merah ?
anis merah teler, anis merah juara, anis merah betina, anis merah burung, anis merah kontes,Punglor merah or anis merah or also called anis bata

anis merah anis merah bali, anis merah mania, anis merah jantan, anis merah teler, anis merah juara, anis merah betina, anis merah burung, anis merah kontes
Other Post Kicau Bird Nusantara :
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Monday, July 25, 2011

Terjadinya gugur bulu (moulting) di leher Ayam Hutan

One of the most striking difference between the chicken and the very clear native forests with chicken hybrid (Brugo) is the existence of feather fall period (moulting) in the neck, which is found only on the type of chicken native forest.

As wild birds, partridge males only have a very thick neck fur, during breeding season / mating season only. In addition to that season, partridge feather has only a short neck is black. Brugo chicken or chicken has never experienced a period of neck feathers fall like this.
Terjadinya gugur bulu (moulting) di leher Ayam Hutan ,ayam jantan hutan, ayam betina hutan,

Growth in the chicken neck feathers native forest. Partridge male with short black neck feathers (left). Neck feathers sprouting (middle). Neck feathers are already fully grown in the breeding season (right). Third rooster on top is a fully grown chicken (not a young chicken). Note the shape of the head and a small comb that is the hallmark of chicken.
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Ciri Ayam Hutan Betina Asli

Ayam hutan betina original, never has a cockscomb and gelambir slightest. If anything, size is very small. The face is pink (pink) with brown fur golden yellow color that curled around the face. Neck feathers are black with golden yellow fur edges are thin. Brownish yellow earplugs. Chest hair reddish golden brown. Chicken head female of the original forest can be seen in Figure.
Ayam hutan betina specific traits. Chicken head female of the original forest (left), head betinaBrugo with silvery-white coat color (middle), head betinaBrugo with comb / wattle and a pair gelambir and neck plumage brighter (right).
Ayam hutan betina yang asli, tidak pernah memiliki jengger dan gelambir sedikit pun. Kalaupun ada, ukurannya sangat kecil. Wajah berwarna merah jambu (pink) dengan warna bulu coklat kuning keemasan yang melingkar di sekeliling wajah. Bulu leher berwarna hitam dengan tepi bulu berwarna kuning emas yang tipis. Penutup telinga berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Bulu dada berwarna coklat emas kemerahan. Kepala ayam hutan betina yang asli dapat dilihat pada Gambar

Ciri spesifik ayam hutan betina. Kepala ayam hutan betina yang asli (kiri), kepala betinaBrugo dengan warna bulu berwarna putih keperakan (tengah), kepala betinaBrugo dengan jengger/pial dan sepasang gelambir serta warna bulu leher yang lebih cerah (kanan)
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Ciri Ayam Hutan Merah Berdasakan Kepala,Jengger/Pial dan Pial berukuran kecil

Ayam hutan merah the original has a small head shape. Comb is always berpial serrated blade or a thin single crest. Gelambir pair that hangs in a small chin. Ear lobe also small or moderate, white or red. Chicken of the original forest, not necessarily white bercuping. Jungle cock neck feathers are very dense and more brightly colored. Color combs, gelambir and face look a bit pale (pink or pink) outside the breeding season. Meanwhile, when mating season arrives, the face, comb and gelambirnya bright red. Possible concentrations of reproductive hormones affect the color of this comb.

Ayam Brugo Ayam kampung or, conversely has the head, wattle and gelambir large and coarse. Thick neck fur with colors a bit dull. Differences male head of the original partridge with rooster Brugo can be seen in Figure 14 below.

Ciri Ayam Hutan Merah Berdasakan Kepala,Jengger Pial dan Pial berukuran kecil
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Ciri Ayam Hutan Berdasarkan Bentuk Fisik

Ayam hutan are still full-blooded (the original), has a slim body shape. The average body size is much smaller than the chicken. Movement is nimble and quick. Having the ability to fly well. Vigilance is high. Such a capability is essential for the jungle fowl that live in the wild, because of the threat from predators.

Conversely, ayam Brugo or ayam kampung, has a more stocky body, more muscular with a heavier weight.

As a result of the domestication process for hundreds or even thousands of years, free-range chicken is no longer has the characteristics such as pheasant. Chicken may be said, live in habitats more comfortable and "modern".

Ayam kampung do not bother looking for food, because at least their owners will feed every day. If not fed, leftovers are discarded or another food source, also can still be found easily in the surrounding villages / settlements.

Ayam kampung also feel safer living close to humans. Natural predators such as bobcat partridge, eagles, snakes, raccoons and others, hardly found in the surrounding township. Therefore, alertness and good flying skills are also not required.

The amount of food and lack of motion, causing more stout-bodied chicken and slow. If ayam kampung mate with ayam hutan, dumpy gene from ayam kampung will be lowered to ayam brugo. That is why, why not lean ayam Brugo pheasant.
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Ciri Ciri Ayam Hutan Merah Asli

Ayam hutan merah has a variety of physical characteristics that are very diverse. This is influenced by various factors, especially environmental factors such as habitat, altitude, geography and others.

In India, ayam hutan merah (sub-species murghii) from the north which is dominated by mountains cold temperature, have an average body size is larger with a thicker neck feathers and long, compared with ayam hutan merah (sub-species murghii), from the plains lower in the south.

The only sub-species of the most powerful ayam hutan merah physical character, is a subspecies ayam hutan merah bankiva, from Indonesia. The most prominent physical features of this chicken is a short neck fur, feathers with rounded ends (not pointy).
Ciri Ciri Ayam Hutan Merah Asli, ayam hutan merah

Due to isolation over thousands of years, subspecies bankiva also has a unique genetic composition, which is somewhat different from other subspecies of partridge. In guessed, is a variant subspecies bankiva ayamhutan the older.

One of the main obstacles in ayam hutan merah conservation efforts, are increasingly scarce ayamhutan is still really full-blooded or original. This is due to genetic contamination of the sub-species of the other chickens, especially the chicken (Gallus Gallus domesticus).

Marriage between two different subspecies of chicken, in this case: red jungle chicken vs. chicken, very likely, because the two chickens were from the same species (Gallus Gallus). Results of cross-breeding chickens (hybrid), in Java and South Sumatra, is known as chicken or Bruga Brugo or Bruge (chicken Brugo term we will continue to use in this post).

Intermarriage (cross breeding) between the red jungle fowl with chicken, often occur naturally in the forest edge adjacent to the settlements.

In terms of conservation, "infidelity" is very detrimental, because it will reduce the genetic quality and cause the loss of the original sources of germplasm, from the jungle fowl population in the area. Gene contamination by chicken partridge is known as: genetic pollution.

For most people, distinguish rooster results intercross (Brugo) with ayam hutan jantan the original, somewhat difficult, because both the chicken often have an almost similar physical characteristics. Nevertheless, as a wild bird, native ayam hutan still has a special feature not found in chickens Brugo.
Ciri Ciri Ayam Hutan Merah Asli
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Ditemukan Nenek Moyang Ayam Adalah Ayam Hutan Merah

The study found that the chicken DNA molecular domestication originated from a common ancestor (monophyletic), namely species of red jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus).

"The results of this analysis also shows that Indonesia is one of three areas declared as a center of domestication of chicken first in the world except in China and India," says DNA Research Lab Research Center for Biology LIPI Dr. Sri Sulandari, who reached here on Tuesday.

He said, through DNA analysis of all the clumps of chicken in the world have made ​​pilogeninya trees and clumps of chicken in the world grouped into seven clade, consisting of clade I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId, IV.

He said that the chicken belongs to the class of bird, the order galliformes, phasianidae family and genus Gallus. Chickens that had been maintained widely included in the species Gallus Galus that were domesticated and named Gallus Gallus domesticus.

Other species that still live wild in the forests of the genus Gallus Gallus included in the Red Jungle fowl are spreading include China, India, and Southeast Asia.

While Gallus varius (Green jungle fowl) distribution includes Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, and small islands around it, Gallus lafayettii (Sri Lankan Jungle fowl) distribution only in Sri Lanka, while Gallus sonneratii (Grey jungle fowl) distribution includes India the south and west.

The development of science in the field of molecular genetics have opened new horizons and are widely used as an accurate taxonomic analysis tools.

The taxonomist in this century has been widely used application of DNA technology to distinguish different species of animals and the family relationships of a species with other species, he said.

"From this analysis of the domestication of chicken with red jungle fowl (G.gallus) kinship relations more clearly visible, namely the red jungle fowl was domesticated chicken in a large circle," he said
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FLora Fauna Flores Indonesia

Mbeliling forest is located in East Nusa Tenggara Province, in the southwest of Flores Island, in the West Manggarai regency . Mbeliling forest is 23,420 ha in size and consists of both semi-evergreen and deciduous moist tropical forest types, comprising functional areas of Protection Forest (7,240 ha), Conversion Forest (4,180 ha) and Limited Production Forest (12,000 ha). Steep slopes dominate the topography of the region, with 60% of land area between 0-499 metres above sea level, and the remaining 35% at an altitude of 500-1000 metres above sea level, and 5% above 1000 m high. The forest serves as a watershed for surrounding villages and the nearby regency capital of Labuan Bajo and its rivers and water springs provide water for drinking, cooking, washing and irrigation to 33,000 inhabitants in 27 villages facilitated by Burung Indonesia’s project. Mbeliling Forest also provides protection from erosion, landslides and floods.

Burung Indonesia has been working in Mbeliling since 2006, implementing a program of integrated sustainable forest management with support from Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) and the Danish BirdLife International Partner, DOF. The program focuses on management of the productive landscape and works to develop participatory management of the forest between communities and local and regional governments, incorporating formal agreements and the establishment of a collaborative forum to address the management of available natural resources which support the population of surrounding villages. The program aims to achieve three distinct goals of poverty alleviation, conservation and community empowerment.

Burung Indonesia’s interest in the forest area is due to the existence of Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the region, with high levels of bird biodiversity, the presence of four endemic bird species and the threatened nature of their forest habitat due to agricultural, population and economic expansion pressures. Other unique wildlife in Mbeliling includes a blind snake species, Typhlops schmutzii, and the Flores giant rat, Papagomys armandvillei.

Program activities to promote sustainable management of the Mbeliling landscape include implementation of simple participatory forest health and biodiversity monitoring, livelihood diversification through ecotourism and small business development, conservation awareness raising and education programs and improved agricultural methods. In order to address management of the area holistically, issues such as the importance of ecosystem health for the provision of environmental goods and services and climate change, climate change assessments and climate change adaptation.

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