Aquila clanga Rajawali Totol : 62-74 cm. Predators are large, dark colored. Adults brown with dark flight feathers pale slender. Wing bottom is generally darker than the fur fly. Children: transverse with white spots on the upper wing.
voice description
Kyak barked at mating
Found in lowland primary forest, nesting in tall trees and hunt in the open marsh area. At the time of migration to visit the desert, bush, wetlands and mangroves.
Global Deployment Aquila clanga Rajawali Totol :
Breeding ranging from Finland to China, in the winter migrate to Kenya to Japan.
Local spread Aquila clanga Rajawali Totol :
voice description
Kyak barked at mating
Found in lowland primary forest, nesting in tall trees and hunt in the open marsh area. At the time of migration to visit the desert, bush, wetlands and mangroves.
Global Deployment Aquila clanga Rajawali Totol :
Breeding ranging from Finland to China, in the winter migrate to Kenya to Japan.
Local spread Aquila clanga Rajawali Totol :
In Asia, breeding in Russia, China's northern plains, Pakistan, India. Winter visitor in Japan, South Korea, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Peninsula Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia (Sumatra)
62-74 cm. Pemangsa berukuran besar, berwarna gelap. Dewasa coklat gelap dengan bulu-bulu terbang pucat yang ramping. Sayap bagian bawah umumnya lebih gelap daripada bulu-bulu terbang. Anak: garis melintang dengan bintik-bintik putih pada sayap bagian atas.
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