Invite birds into the yard of the house is not really a difficult case. Birds love the places that he could use for cover and nesting. Also available is enough food and water.
Planting fruit trees and flowers to attract birds a great way, definitely Fahrul Amama, administrators Burung Indonesia, an NGO dealing with birds. The more diverse the plants, the more birds will come. Not just chatting, these birds will also be looking to eat, sleep, and even nested in the yard.
Not all birds love the yard. Cucak finches, cinenen bananas, prenjak Java, bird sriganti honey, and chili Java, which is a common type found in many settlements. Trees that they attended was not in vain. Scaly-breasted pilgrims prefer to build nests in the pine tree tops or the sidelines of a palm leaf that is safe from the reach of predators like house cats. Chili java like fruits such as buni small ripe, cherry, and lobby. While the birds prefer sriganti honey nectar as dadap, asoka, and ornamental bananas.
There are several types of plants that are important for bird habitat. Leafy trees shade trees such as pine and fir needles are a favorite of bird settlement. Shade trees like the banyan tree, kapok tree, and trees sengon also preferred because of its function to protect them from hot sun. Another plant is the family of grasses and legumes such as angsana, acacia, asoka, and dadap. In addition to protection, plants of this type of grains present. Usually the birds prenjak java and java cinenen love it.
Nectar-producing plants, ornamental plants, flowers, and fruit trees also attract birds. When the spring before fruiting, trees such as guava, mango, and rambutan often visited by birds. Tree whose seed was also included preferred. In addition to its meat seeds, birds are also happy to make a nest. Fahrul added, burungburung can deliver a mini habitat for wildlife. The plant will also be able to attract other wildlife such as butterflies, beetles, and bats.
To bring the wild habitat, need to be drafted in such a way yard. Ideally, the extent of at least 100 m2. There are also a variety of components both vertically and horizontally. Vertically, a strata ranging from moss, grass, tall trees, plants epiphytes, and lianas. Horizontally, a division based on the functions of these plants ornamental plants, tubers, producing fruit, herbs, vegetables, and shade trees.
In West Java, for example, the yard is divided into three regions, namely prey (front page) who dominated ornamental plants and fruit, pipir (side yard) of productive arable crops such as fruits and medicinal plants, as well as the gardener (the back) who planted the tree fruits, spices, herbs, and vegetables.
The division of this area certainly can not be practiced on the houses in urban areas. For this reason, clear Fahrul, the home of urban culture fit with the concept of vertical, like a potted plant in a tiered, hanging pots, vertical mast, and roof.
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