Salmon-crested Cockatoo Cacatua moluccensis
description of form46-52 cm. Red-rose-crested old bangbang. The bottom and the feathers fly red-rose-colored old bangbang; tail under the red-orange-yellow and pink old bangbang.
voice description
Can be readily identified as the voice of parrot, but not loud, high pitched or raspy like most types of parrots.
Alone, in pairs and small groups; first in a tree to sleep in groups of up to 16 birds. Generally not noticeable, except when flying to and from the location of trees to sleep when dusk and dawn. Although seen flying above the canopy but mostly flew below the canopy. Foraging quietly in the canopy and middle canopy layer.

But no matter how wild it is, you can approach this avis to few meters close. You can even catch it by hand if you want to! Just do it slowly. Because when it felt threatened, it would fly to keep at distance, even though it used to be not so far.
Like any other animal, perkutut has own way to call its couple. This bird whose eggs as big as marble will shout a short repeated sounds (Secondary Sound) along with nodding of head and lifting of tail. In majority, wild perkutut has proliferated on January-September. In this session, they began compiling flat and thin nest on bush or low tree.
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