Monday, January 30, 2012

The Laughing Cookaburra and Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

The Laughing Cookaburra
Kicau Burung Nusanta The laughing kookaburra is commonly seen in the Blue Mountains. The famous call of the Kookaburra has made it one of the best known Australian birds. There are two species of Kookaburra. They are the Laughing Kookaburras and the Blue-winged Kookaburra (not found in the Blue Mountains). They are both related to the Kingfishers of the world.

Although the kookaburra is a kingfisher(largest ijn the world), he will drown if he gets too many of his feathers wet whilst trying to catch prey in or near water. Instead he eats small animals including the nestlings of other birds.The are also known to be formidable snake killers.Kookaburras live in family groups and have well developed social systems.

Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo
These are an extremely large bird which is commonly seen on the introduced pine trees of the upper Blue Mountains. They are attracted by the abundance of pine cones. They also love to perch on these tree tops where they give a sad, plaintive cry. You will often see them using their beak to move around the branches as if it was a third hand. They also eat the seeds of banksias and mountain devils which are easily torn apart by their powerful beak. When these birds are in flight it seems as if they are in slow motion. They generally hang out as a family.

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Female Satin Bower Bird and New Holland Honeyeaters

Satin bower Bird
Kicau BUrung Nusantara When the mating season arrives the male bower bird constructs a distinctive U shaped bower from twigs in the middle of some large dry grass. In the front of the bower he makes a sort of garden and adorns the outside of it with feathers, leaves, flowers, snail shells and blue objects. If the collection of objects impresses the female then “marriage” takes place. Immediately after, the female commences building a nest in a tree where she will eventually lay her eggs. The male continues to maintain his bower and waits for visits by other females.
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This page is designed to provide some basic information on some of the more regularly seen birds of the Blue Mountains. The people of the Blue Mountains are very fortunate, as a wide selection of birds reside in this World heritage area.

Birds of the Blue Mountains inhabit a variety of plant communities through out the year, but a change in seasons also sees the arrival of new birds to the Mountains. New Holland Honeyeaters follow the flowering of both bush land and the manicured gardens. source satin bower bird, satin bower bird pictures, satin bower bird houses, satin bower bird facts, satin bower birds collect which color, satin bower bird image, satin bower bird in south australia
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Bird Gang Gang and King Parrot

Gang- gang Kicau Bird Nusantara
The seeds of the forest Eucalyptus and Acacia make up most of the diet of the Gang-Gang Cockatoo. They are often seen feeding together in berry laden trees. When breaking open the harder seeds they hold the pods in their claws, noisily cracking them open with their powerful beaks. When birdwatchers go in search of the Gang-Gang they often hear the birds noisily eating before spotting it. Like the yellow tailed Black Cockatoo, they make a lot of mess underneath them whilst feeding.
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King Parrot in Kicau Bird Nusantara
The King Parrot is so brightly coloured , it can hardly be missed.
Like the Crimson Rosella it is one of the most commonly seen birds in the Blue Mountains. It seems to prefer the rainforest environment more than most other colourful birds in the Blue Mountains where it will often be seen flying quickly past as it manoeuvres through the trees with great skill. Its call is a very high shrill. from
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Eastern Rosella / Crimson Rosella

Kicau Nusantara General Information
There are several color forms of the Crimson Rosella. The Yellow Rosella has the crimson areas replaced with light yellow and the tail more greenish. The Adelaide Rosella is intermediate in color; it ranges from yellow with a reddish wash to dark orange. Otherwise, the forms are similar in pattern.
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Physical Description Crimson Rosella
The mostly crimson plumage and bright blue cheeks easily identify the one from which it receives its name. The Crimson Rosella's feathers are black with a broad, red, edge. Its flight feathers of the wings have broad blue edges and the tail is blue above and pale blue below and on the outer feathers. The birds measure about 32cm - 36cm in length.
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Diet Crimson Rosella
The Crimson Rosella can normally be seen in small flocks and are easily attracted to garden seed trays. Once familiar with humans, they will accept hand held food. Natural foods include seeds of eucalypts, grasses and shrubs, as well as insects and some tree blossoms.

Habitat Crimson Rosella
The Crimson Rosella is a parrot native to eastern and South eastern Australia. It has recently been introduced to New Zealand and Norfolk Island as well. It is commonly found in, but not restricted to, mountain forests and gardens.
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Reproduction Crimson Rosella
Crimson Rosellas breed mostly between September and January. The nest is built in a tall tree hollow and lined with wood shavings and dust. The female alone incubates the four to eight, normally five, white eggs, but both sexes care for the young. The chicks hatch after about 20 days, and, although they leave the nest after about 35 days, they remain dependent on their parents for a 35 days after that. source
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wallpaper Birds Nusantara

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Monday, January 23, 2012

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