Often the bird hobbyist distinguish the sex of birds or bentet pentet cendet or gray (Lanius schach) by looking at the color on the head. If black is considered a male and if the gray is female. This is certainly wrong. Therefore, the color black in the head rather than distinguishing between bird-sex male and female in birds cendet.
There are sub-species of black-headed cendet that indeed and there are shades of gray. See the picture below:
to note, that both are gray cendet from different habitats. According to the book "The Birds of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Kalimantan," published by LIPI and Indonesian Bird, the image of (a) is Lanius schach nasutus. While the bottom (b) is Lanius schach bentet. Bentet with black heads have habitat in Borneo. While there are gray elsewhere.
Note: The extent of black color can vary between races and individual birds.
Although Lanius schach nasutus berhabitat Aseli Borneo, now also spread to various islands in Indonesia. Similarly to Lanius schach bentet, there is also in Kalimantan.
Teens and adults
At the same time, there is often a hobbyist who considers that the colored stripe is cendet cendet young. Indeed, for Lanius schach Lanius schach nasutus and bentet a young, dominant color brown camouflage. But there are sub-species of Lanius schach which basically colored camouflage.
See the picture below:
picture above is cendet brown or Lanius cristatus. When the adult is characterized by: a white eyebrow, back not streaked; for several races, colors can be more red bat. For juvenile birds (immature / IMM) have a characteristic: the top and bottom striped thin.
Figure 738 is Lanius triginus adult (top) and juvenile (bottom). Adults: male crown and nape gray, no white eyebrows, striped backs. Teens: black stripe on the eye is not clear.
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