Cucak Rowo - Cucak Rawa is a kind of tribal Pycnonotidae babbler bird. This bird is also known generically as Cucak Rawa (in the Java language dilafazkan as [cucaʔ rɔwɔ]), cangkurawah (Sunda), and barau-barau (Malay). In English called the Straw-headed Bulbul, referring to the color of head pale-straw yellow. Scientific name is Pycnonotus zeylanicus (Gmelin, 1789).
It is one bird that is very popular people as pet birds, because booms are melodious. In Java, this bird is very much shrinking population due to poaching since '80an lively.
The birds are traded in Java mostly imported from Sumatra and Kalimantan. Now in many parts of Sumatra island (eg in Jambi, along the Batang Bungo) even as populations continue to recede. Collar et al. (1994, in MacKinnon et al. 2000) classifies Cucak Rawa population into vulnerable status. Similarly, the IUCN states that this bird status of Vulnerable (VU, Vulnerable). A description of more detailed conservation status can be viewed on the IUCN website below.
If no rescue is better than now, perhaps several years ahead of this bird is only a distant memory; stay mentioned in the song like the song Manuk Cucak Rowo in Java.
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