Oh Robin Bird, how i do admire your strength. I see you flying up above, like the sky is the limit. Sweet Robin Bird, you're tired at night, yet in the morning i hear you outside my window singing beautiful songs of bliss and joy. Inspirational Robin Bird how they do look up to you, admiring you so. With your poise and ability to fly through any storm. Beautiful Robin Bird, I've heard of you're trials and tribulations and yet the sight of you is still something spectacular. Dear Robin Bird, you're such an example to follow. Even when correcting your own mistakes, they see the way. Its as if you hold the whole world on your wings and theye're the wind beneathe them. Angelic Robin Bird please understand, that now you've taught them how to fly on their own. Precious Robin Bird, you may now rest in your nest and watch them up in the sky, flying, they're your Robin Birds.

Kicau Nusantara
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