You as a breeder have to master the characteristics of male or female canaries, canary in determining the sex is quite difficult for beginners but for senior hobis very easy to determine it they saw enough of posture canaries although in certain cases is sometimes very difficult walnut specified types genitally.
The characteristics are:
- Male canaries at a young age 1.5 ± age or older have started to learn sound / ngriwik.
- Ukuan body / body tends to lean males (lengthwise), neck rather long, if the female body looks somewhat rounded.
- Male anus when viewed (by way of blowing feathers around so do not block) protruding perpendicularly / vertical, if the female opposite / horizontal.
- Adult males rang loud and Nge Roll.

Adapun cirinya yaitu di Kicau Birds Nusantara :
- Kenari jantan diusia muda ± umur 1.5 keatas sudah mulai belajar bunyi / ngriwik.
- Ukuan tubuh / bodi jantan cenderung ramping (memanjang), leher agak panjang, jika betina bodi kelihatan agak bulat.
- Anus jantan bila dilihat ( dengan cara ditiup agar bulu disekitar tidak menghalangi) menonjol tegak lurus /vertikal, jika betina sebaliknya / horisontal.
- Jantan dewasa berbunyi nyaring dan nge roll.
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