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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Video Bird Parkit
Kicau Nusantara Video Birds Cannary, farm cannarry and habitat parkite
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Monday, December 26, 2011
Adaptable Parakeets
Kicau Nusantara Adaptable parakeets
Parakeet likes to live in colonies and are very easy to adjust in the cage captivity. Usual in the wild parakeets breed in October-December. When the mating season the male usually sings in a tone of persuasion to lure females. Up to one another when there is a match then the marriage will soon take place.
Weight ranges from 2.5 grams parakeet eggs / egg number of grains with an average of 6 grains / parakeet pairs. Even this bird was known to be loyal to her partner. When the female is on eggs then the male will wait outside, whistling when both entertaining and will expel any intruders approaching their nests.
The new Children's parakeet out of its egg shell weighted average of 2.35 grams with eyes still closed condition. After nine days before her eyes open.
After age 30 days before the child starts parakeets ready to leave the nest to learn to fly. But though it started to fly, the mother usually still feed him until the age of 40 days. After that age usually preparation for marriage for a new generation will be done.
Children begin to mature sex parakeet to perform marriages after the age of 90 days. The males will soon be old enough to entice females to mate with lethal whistles that will breed offspring.
Easy Cultivation Parakeets
Treatment of bird species is relatively easy. Enclosure that is required is not so great though for breeding though. Size 40 x 40 x 60 cm is enough to start breeding. Meanwhile, to display the beauty of common cage size is adequate.
But because it is like to colonize a variety of colors and diversity of this it would not be wrong if we're setting up a rather large size of the cage. In addition we can place a few pairs. The beauty of iridescent-colored parakeet with each other will be very clear.
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Parakeet likes to live in colonies and are very easy to adjust in the cage captivity. Usual in the wild parakeets breed in October-December. When the mating season the male usually sings in a tone of persuasion to lure females. Up to one another when there is a match then the marriage will soon take place.
Weight ranges from 2.5 grams parakeet eggs / egg number of grains with an average of 6 grains / parakeet pairs. Even this bird was known to be loyal to her partner. When the female is on eggs then the male will wait outside, whistling when both entertaining and will expel any intruders approaching their nests.
The new Children's parakeet out of its egg shell weighted average of 2.35 grams with eyes still closed condition. After nine days before her eyes open.
After age 30 days before the child starts parakeets ready to leave the nest to learn to fly. But though it started to fly, the mother usually still feed him until the age of 40 days. After that age usually preparation for marriage for a new generation will be done.
Children begin to mature sex parakeet to perform marriages after the age of 90 days. The males will soon be old enough to entice females to mate with lethal whistles that will breed offspring.
Easy Cultivation Parakeets
Treatment of bird species is relatively easy. Enclosure that is required is not so great though for breeding though. Size 40 x 40 x 60 cm is enough to start breeding. Meanwhile, to display the beauty of common cage size is adequate.
But because it is like to colonize a variety of colors and diversity of this it would not be wrong if we're setting up a rather large size of the cage. In addition we can place a few pairs. The beauty of iridescent-colored parakeet with each other will be very clear.
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Perkembangan Parkit di Dunia
Kicau Nusantara Sukses di Belgia
Pada tahun 1850 perkembangan burung berparuh bengkok ini mulai sukses dibiakkan dikebun binatang Antwerpens, Belgia. Karena kecantikan warna bulu burung ini beberapa negara eropa lainnya mulai ikutan mengimpor burung ini dalam jumlah yang besar. Akhirnya burung parkit sudah mulai dikembangbiakkan di mana-mana.

Warna kuning pada bulu burung parkit dihasilkan di Belgia pada tahun 1872 dan di Jerman pada tahun 1875 dengan warna yang sama. Berikutnya warna biru yang muncul pada tahun 1878. Dan tahun 1917 warna putih menyusul hingga tahun 1940 puncak keragaman warna bulu burung parkit ini.
Penyebaran yang luas menyebabkan burung ini mendapat banyak sebutan. Orang Belanda menyebutnya Undulated grass parkeet. Kalau orang Perancis memanggil dengan sebutan Perche Ondule. Sedangkan bangsa Jerman menggunakan nama Wellensittich.
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Pada tahun 1850 perkembangan burung berparuh bengkok ini mulai sukses dibiakkan dikebun binatang Antwerpens, Belgia. Karena kecantikan warna bulu burung ini beberapa negara eropa lainnya mulai ikutan mengimpor burung ini dalam jumlah yang besar. Akhirnya burung parkit sudah mulai dikembangbiakkan di mana-mana.

Warna kuning pada bulu burung parkit dihasilkan di Belgia pada tahun 1872 dan di Jerman pada tahun 1875 dengan warna yang sama. Berikutnya warna biru yang muncul pada tahun 1878. Dan tahun 1917 warna putih menyusul hingga tahun 1940 puncak keragaman warna bulu burung parkit ini.
Penyebaran yang luas menyebabkan burung ini mendapat banyak sebutan. Orang Belanda menyebutnya Undulated grass parkeet. Kalau orang Perancis memanggil dengan sebutan Perche Ondule. Sedangkan bangsa Jerman menggunakan nama Wellensittich.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wallpaper Penguin
Kicau Nusantara Penguin conferencing, penguin publishing company, penguin books publishing, penguin audio books, penguin audiobooks, penguin audio, adopting a penguin, penguin adoption, galapagos penguin facts, penguin vibrator, galapagos penguin, adopt a penguin, adopt penguin, penguin publisher, sponsor a penguin, save the penguin, club penguin website, original penguin sunglasses, Wallpaper Penguin. 

Download Gambar Burung
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Download Gambar Burung
Cassowary Wallpaper
Kicau Nusantara single wattled cassowary, cassowary tours, cassowary call, cassowary video, cassowary crossing, endangered cassowary, cassowary daintree, cassowary conservation, daintree cassowary, cassowary endangered, cassowary mission beach 

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Download Gambar Burung
Kicau Nusantara The Northern and Dwarf Cassowaries are not well known. All cassowaries are usually shy birds of the deep forest, adept at disappearing long before a human knows they are there. Even the more accessible Southern Cassowary of the far north Queensland rain forests is not well understood.
Females are bigger and more brightly coloured. Adult Southern Cassowaries are 1.5 to 1.8 metres (4.9–5.9 ft) tall, although some females may reach 2 metres (6.6 ft),and weigh 58.5 kilograms (129 lb).
All cassowaries have feathers that consist of a shaft and loose barbules. They do not have retrices (tail feathers) or a preen gland. Cassowaries have small wings with 5-6 large remeges. These are reduced to stiff, keratinous quills, like porcupine quills, with no barbs. A claw is on each second finger. The furcula and coracoid are degenerate, and their palatal bones and sphenoid bones touch each other. These, along with their wedge-shaped body, are thought to be adaptations to ward off vines, thorns and saw-edged leaves, allowing them to run quickly through the rainforest.
A cassowary's three-toed feet have sharp claws. The second toe, the inner one in the medial position, sports a dagger-like claw that is 125 millimetres (5 in) long. This claw is particularly fearsome since cassowaries sometimes kick humans and animals with their enormously powerful legs (see Cassowary Attacks, below). Cassowaries can run up to 50 km/h (31 mph) through the dense forest. They can jump up to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft)[citation needed]and they are good swimmers, crossing wide rivers and swimming in the sea as well.

Detail of a Southern Cassowary head.
All three species have horn-like but soft and spongy crests called casques on their heads, up to 18 cm (7 in). These consist of "a keratinous skin over a core of firm, cellular foam-like material".[10] Several purposes for the casques have been proposed. One possibility is that they are secondary sexual characteristics. Other suggestions include that they are used to batter through underbrush, as a weapon for dominance disputes, or as a tool for pushing aside leaf litter during foraging. The latter three are disputed by biologist Andrew Mack, whose personal observation suggests that the casque amplifies deep sounds. However, the earlier article by Crome and Moore says that the birds do lower their heads when they are running "full tilt through the vegetation, brushing saplings aside and occasionally careening into small trees. The casque would help protect the skull from such collisions."From an engineering perspective the wedge shaped casque is also the most efficient way to protect the head by deflecting falling fruit. As cassowaries live on fallen fruit they spend a lot of time under trees where seeds the size of golfballs or larger are dropping from heights of up to 30 metres. Mack and Jones also speculate that the casques play a role in either sound reception or acoustic communication. This is related to their discovery that at least the Dwarf Cassowary and Southern Cassowary produce very-low frequency sounds, which may aid in communication in dense rainforest. This "boom" is the lowest known bird call, and is on the edge of human hearing. The average lifespan of wild cassowaries is believed to be about 40 to 50 years. http://en.wikipedia.org
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Females are bigger and more brightly coloured. Adult Southern Cassowaries are 1.5 to 1.8 metres (4.9–5.9 ft) tall, although some females may reach 2 metres (6.6 ft),and weigh 58.5 kilograms (129 lb).
All cassowaries have feathers that consist of a shaft and loose barbules. They do not have retrices (tail feathers) or a preen gland. Cassowaries have small wings with 5-6 large remeges. These are reduced to stiff, keratinous quills, like porcupine quills, with no barbs. A claw is on each second finger. The furcula and coracoid are degenerate, and their palatal bones and sphenoid bones touch each other. These, along with their wedge-shaped body, are thought to be adaptations to ward off vines, thorns and saw-edged leaves, allowing them to run quickly through the rainforest.

A cassowary's three-toed feet have sharp claws. The second toe, the inner one in the medial position, sports a dagger-like claw that is 125 millimetres (5 in) long. This claw is particularly fearsome since cassowaries sometimes kick humans and animals with their enormously powerful legs (see Cassowary Attacks, below). Cassowaries can run up to 50 km/h (31 mph) through the dense forest. They can jump up to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft)[citation needed]and they are good swimmers, crossing wide rivers and swimming in the sea as well.

Detail of a Southern Cassowary head.
All three species have horn-like but soft and spongy crests called casques on their heads, up to 18 cm (7 in). These consist of "a keratinous skin over a core of firm, cellular foam-like material".[10] Several purposes for the casques have been proposed. One possibility is that they are secondary sexual characteristics. Other suggestions include that they are used to batter through underbrush, as a weapon for dominance disputes, or as a tool for pushing aside leaf litter during foraging. The latter three are disputed by biologist Andrew Mack, whose personal observation suggests that the casque amplifies deep sounds. However, the earlier article by Crome and Moore says that the birds do lower their heads when they are running "full tilt through the vegetation, brushing saplings aside and occasionally careening into small trees. The casque would help protect the skull from such collisions."From an engineering perspective the wedge shaped casque is also the most efficient way to protect the head by deflecting falling fruit. As cassowaries live on fallen fruit they spend a lot of time under trees where seeds the size of golfballs or larger are dropping from heights of up to 30 metres. Mack and Jones also speculate that the casques play a role in either sound reception or acoustic communication. This is related to their discovery that at least the Dwarf Cassowary and Southern Cassowary produce very-low frequency sounds, which may aid in communication in dense rainforest. This "boom" is the lowest known bird call, and is on the edge of human hearing. The average lifespan of wild cassowaries is believed to be about 40 to 50 years. http://en.wikipedia.org
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
How to Match Canary
Livestock process.
The next process is to unite these two canaries. The characteristic walnut ready animals (have a mate), namely:
when brought near to the female sijantan male will chase / hit the cage with the sound of a kenceng and female flounder-wing geleparkan sign of seeking to marry.
At the time of the evening or before bed walnut bed adjacent females and males.
From time to time between female and male canary food overfeed each other.
If the female in the cage and its contents at given nest, the female canary will arrange the contents of the nest or after finish, if the contents of the nest is composed usually female is ready cattle.
In bringing together these two canaries no standard rules of time whenever you can put it together, just my experience the best time is late afternoon. By bringing together the evening is expected in the evening so that both are pillars of the morning was a mate. Because I had experienced the pairing so when unification is not too risky a fight but we must continue to monitor due to fear going to fight.
After the two get along well consider the contents of the nest if the contents of the nest dirty then replace the contents of the nest and the nest of some of the contents stored in the bottom of the cage is usually grounded cage nest contents are moved into the nest. To refine the female canary nest usually prefer plucking hairs or hairs males from females walnuts, usually when in the hive existing hairs no longer mark the female parent will bertelor. To speed up the process and reduce bertelor plucking hairs on my experience into the cage put enough cotton. Similarly, first written about the pairing process stands ... scared too ... I'll continue next time
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The next process is to unite these two canaries. The characteristic walnut ready animals (have a mate), namely:
when brought near to the female sijantan male will chase / hit the cage with the sound of a kenceng and female flounder-wing geleparkan sign of seeking to marry.
At the time of the evening or before bed walnut bed adjacent females and males.
From time to time between female and male canary food overfeed each other.
If the female in the cage and its contents at given nest, the female canary will arrange the contents of the nest or after finish, if the contents of the nest is composed usually female is ready cattle.
In bringing together these two canaries no standard rules of time whenever you can put it together, just my experience the best time is late afternoon. By bringing together the evening is expected in the evening so that both are pillars of the morning was a mate. Because I had experienced the pairing so when unification is not too risky a fight but we must continue to monitor due to fear going to fight.
After the two get along well consider the contents of the nest if the contents of the nest dirty then replace the contents of the nest and the nest of some of the contents stored in the bottom of the cage is usually grounded cage nest contents are moved into the nest. To refine the female canary nest usually prefer plucking hairs or hairs males from females walnuts, usually when in the hive existing hairs no longer mark the female parent will bertelor. To speed up the process and reduce bertelor plucking hairs on my experience into the cage put enough cotton. Similarly, first written about the pairing process stands ... scared too ... I'll continue next time
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Means of Support in raising canaries
Means of Support in breeding.
Kicau Burung Nusantara Sometimes we do not raise too much attention to the little things like the position of the cattle pens, cattle barn environment and supporting advice. If things are less attention will lead to resentment in the future. For example at the time of placement of cattle sheds we do not notice the feng shui (he.. He .. sorry joke) environment around the cattle pens. The best placement of the cage or corral against the wall beside the left and right of the cage is closed. Caged animals were placed in an area free from insects or other animals such as mice, lizards, etc..
To avoid the attacks of insects like ants around the cage area menempek the wall surrounded by a nice lime (lime magic). If large livestock enclosure using legs then her legs spread with oil. While the main pests other than ants namely rats, mice actually just take a canary food canary negligent only if you saw it on the beat as well and this event
often experienced by hobis. With the placement of the cage on the wall is expected to minimize the mice attack rats only occasionally too clever to find a gap for that you must be careful in placing the best sich enclosure using aluminum enclosure. I have experience of ant attacked the cattle barn lucky to get caught so fast but his mother was helped largely dead and then died all because of the over protective parent (about the nature of the over protective I will discuss at another time).
Pairing process.
If you already have a pair of walnut with the age of cattle ready selanjutkan process is the process of pairing. The process of pairing the male and female canaries in a different place on the cage, and the two cages are placed close together. In this case many new comer (novice breeders) who can not wait to undergo the process of pairing them
males and females immediately enter into a cage.
With the pairing process you will know the readiness of the walnuts, if not mate directly fed into a cage of canaries can result both fights. When a fight broke out between them and one canary who lose then there will be a long time pairing again, especially if the loser walnuts male pairing process because the longer you have to condition the male was being encouraged to approach the females. There are a few tips to increase the lust that is:
Canary in the given highly nutritious foods such as quail egg, multivitamins etc., Dried every morning. At the time of drying and the process of pairing a male and female cage coupled continuous, if there are other males occasionally heated panasin with other males. Disangkar cage where females provided the following contents. Do not forget to pray so that bred canaries can be fast mate and produce children who qualified.
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Kicau Burung Nusantara Sometimes we do not raise too much attention to the little things like the position of the cattle pens, cattle barn environment and supporting advice. If things are less attention will lead to resentment in the future. For example at the time of placement of cattle sheds we do not notice the feng shui (he.. He .. sorry joke) environment around the cattle pens. The best placement of the cage or corral against the wall beside the left and right of the cage is closed. Caged animals were placed in an area free from insects or other animals such as mice, lizards, etc..
To avoid the attacks of insects like ants around the cage area menempek the wall surrounded by a nice lime (lime magic). If large livestock enclosure using legs then her legs spread with oil. While the main pests other than ants namely rats, mice actually just take a canary food canary negligent only if you saw it on the beat as well and this event
often experienced by hobis. With the placement of the cage on the wall is expected to minimize the mice attack rats only occasionally too clever to find a gap for that you must be careful in placing the best sich enclosure using aluminum enclosure. I have experience of ant attacked the cattle barn lucky to get caught so fast but his mother was helped largely dead and then died all because of the over protective parent (about the nature of the over protective I will discuss at another time).
Pairing process.
If you already have a pair of walnut with the age of cattle ready selanjutkan process is the process of pairing. The process of pairing the male and female canaries in a different place on the cage, and the two cages are placed close together. In this case many new comer (novice breeders) who can not wait to undergo the process of pairing them
males and females immediately enter into a cage.
With the pairing process you will know the readiness of the walnuts, if not mate directly fed into a cage of canaries can result both fights. When a fight broke out between them and one canary who lose then there will be a long time pairing again, especially if the loser walnuts male pairing process because the longer you have to condition the male was being encouraged to approach the females. There are a few tips to increase the lust that is:
Canary in the given highly nutritious foods such as quail egg, multivitamins etc., Dried every morning. At the time of drying and the process of pairing a male and female cage coupled continuous, if there are other males occasionally heated panasin with other males. Disangkar cage where females provided the following contents. Do not forget to pray so that bred canaries can be fast mate and produce children who qualified.
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Gender Canary
Gender Canary
You as a breeder have to master the characteristics of male or female canaries, canary in determining the sex is quite difficult for beginners but for senior hobis very easy to determine it they saw enough of posture canaries although in certain cases is sometimes very difficult walnut specified types genitally.
The characteristics are:

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You as a breeder have to master the characteristics of male or female canaries, canary in determining the sex is quite difficult for beginners but for senior hobis very easy to determine it they saw enough of posture canaries although in certain cases is sometimes very difficult walnut specified types genitally.
The characteristics are:
- Male canaries at a young age 1.5 ± age or older have started to learn sound / ngriwik.
- Ukuan body / body tends to lean males (lengthwise), neck rather long, if the female body looks somewhat rounded.
- Male anus when viewed (by way of blowing feathers around so do not block) protruding perpendicularly / vertical, if the female opposite / horizontal.
- Adult males rang loud and Nge Roll.

Adapun cirinya yaitu di Kicau Birds Nusantara :
- Kenari jantan diusia muda ± umur 1.5 keatas sudah mulai belajar bunyi / ngriwik.
- Ukuan tubuh / bodi jantan cenderung ramping (memanjang), leher agak panjang, jika betina bodi kelihatan agak bulat.
- Anus jantan bila dilihat ( dengan cara ditiup agar bulu disekitar tidak menghalangi) menonjol tegak lurus /vertikal, jika betina sebaliknya / horisontal.
- Jantan dewasa berbunyi nyaring dan nge roll.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The last two months of 2011 brought some good news for Forest & Bird (BirdLife in New Zealand) in the wake of the country’s worst ever maritime environmental disaster in October.
By mid-December, most of more than 400 birds – mostly Little Penguins and endangered New Zealand Dotterels – had been released back into the wild after being cared for at an Oiled Wildlife Response Centre. The remaining birds were also expected to be released as they
returned to full health and their home beaches were cleared of lingering oil pollution.
Some positive news was needed after a grim October when the Liberian-registered container ship Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef, close to New Zealand’s busiest port of Tauranga on the North Island’s east coast. On October 11, nearly a week after the grounding, around 350 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spewed from the ship’s cracked hull into the Bay of Plenty.
Oil quickly started washing ashore, along with the bodies of sea-birds covered in the thick tar-like fuel. Based on overseas research, the 2,000 bodies eventually recovered are likely to represent about only 10 percent of all the birds killed, most of which would have sunk without trace at sea.
To compound the damage, the oil spill happened during the breeding season for many species, including the Common Diving-petrel, which made up about half of the recovered bodies, and Fluttering Shearwaters, which accounted for about 20%.
Staff and members of Forest & Bird were involved in the wildlife recovery and clean up operations in the Bay of Plenty. Hundreds of oiled penguins were found and taken to the hastily erected response centre, along with 60 uninjured New Zealand Dotterels, which were removed from the region’s beaches as a precaution.
Around only 1700 individuals of the endangered New Zealand dotterel are estimated to remain nationwide, including about 200 in the Bay of Plenty area. Scientists hoped there would be time for the released birds to reform pairs and raise chicks before the end of the breeding season in January.
Despite the devastation, the disaster could have been much worse, with fears the ship could have broken apart before the removal of about 1300 tonnes of fuel remaining on the ship after the initial spill. But the ship held together, the bulk of the oil was recovered, and marine ecologists hope the marine environment will largely recover within months. source : birdlife.org
By mid-December, most of more than 400 birds – mostly Little Penguins and endangered New Zealand Dotterels – had been released back into the wild after being cared for at an Oiled Wildlife Response Centre. The remaining birds were also expected to be released as they

Some positive news was needed after a grim October when the Liberian-registered container ship Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef, close to New Zealand’s busiest port of Tauranga on the North Island’s east coast. On October 11, nearly a week after the grounding, around 350 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spewed from the ship’s cracked hull into the Bay of Plenty.
Oil quickly started washing ashore, along with the bodies of sea-birds covered in the thick tar-like fuel. Based on overseas research, the 2,000 bodies eventually recovered are likely to represent about only 10 percent of all the birds killed, most of which would have sunk without trace at sea.

To compound the damage, the oil spill happened during the breeding season for many species, including the Common Diving-petrel, which made up about half of the recovered bodies, and Fluttering Shearwaters, which accounted for about 20%.
Staff and members of Forest & Bird were involved in the wildlife recovery and clean up operations in the Bay of Plenty. Hundreds of oiled penguins were found and taken to the hastily erected response centre, along with 60 uninjured New Zealand Dotterels, which were removed from the region’s beaches as a precaution.
Around only 1700 individuals of the endangered New Zealand dotterel are estimated to remain nationwide, including about 200 in the Bay of Plenty area. Scientists hoped there would be time for the released birds to reform pairs and raise chicks before the end of the breeding season in January.
Despite the devastation, the disaster could have been much worse, with fears the ship could have broken apart before the removal of about 1300 tonnes of fuel remaining on the ship after the initial spill. But the ship held together, the bulk of the oil was recovered, and marine ecologists hope the marine environment will largely recover within months. source : birdlife.org
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Zosterops (Pleci)
Several types of commonly kept as pets pleci abroad is kind Auriventer, this kind of famous because of its bright and crystal voice and loud, some of the videos uploaded on Youtube most of pleci auriventer type, then type Everetti who have a mental fighter. In Indonesia alone pleci lover is currently still in awe of pleci type javanicus, the excess is in addition easy pleci can also easily adapt to the environment because these types of Java native of the land so that adjustments to the habitat and the environment becomes much easier.

Jakarta (KM) - Burung pleci saat ini menjadi burung idola baru, beberapa rekan beramai-ramai memelihara burung pleci, baik didasari rasa suka atau sekedar penasaran akan cerita kehebatan burung kecil berwarna hijau ini. Di luar negeri, khususnya Malaysia, Singapura, dan Vietnam burung ini menjadi salah satu burung yang disukai untuk di pelihara.
Beberapa jenis pleci yang biasa dijadikan peliharaan di luar negeri adalah jenis Auriventer, jenis ini terkenal karena warnanya yang cerah dan suaranya yang kristal serta lantang, beberapa video yang diunggah di Youtube kebanyakan dari jenis pleci auriventer, lalu jenis Everetti yang mempunyai mental petarung. Di Indonesia sendiri pecinta pleci saat ini masih terpesona pada Pleci jenis Javanicus, kelebihan pleci ini selain mudah di dapat, juga mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan karena jenis ini asli dari tanah jawa sehingga penyesuaian dengan habitat dan lingkungan menjadi lebih mudah.
Jenis Auriventer berasal dari sumatera dan Kalimantan, serta semenanjung Malaysia dan penyebarannya meluas ke daerah lain di dunia seperti Malaysia dan Singapura. Jenis ini sudah menyebar sampai ke jawa. Rekan saya yang belum lama ini berkunjung ke singapura menyatakan, ada perbedaan mencolok fisik auriventer yang ada di singapura dan yang ada di Jakarta.
"Ukuran auriventer disana lebih besar, kira kira sebesar pleci montannus dengan warna lebih cerah dan 'kacamata' yang relative lebih tebal, suaranya pun terdengar lantang, kalau dirupiahkan harga bakalan ombyokan disana sekitar Rp200.000,- sementara kalau yang sudah dipisah sekitar Rp250.000,- sampai dengan Rp300.000,- untuk pleci bahan", katanya. Tidak heran pleci disana tubuhnya lebih besar karena didapatkan dari lingkungan yang memungkinkan burung untuk tumbuh dengan baik seperti dari daerah sumatera, Kalimantan dan di malaysia.
Selain jenis-jenis di atas yang lazim ada di tanah jawa, ada juga pleci jenis Montannus yang dicirikan dengan iris matanya yang putih, dada abu-abu cenderung putih. Suara jenis ini dibandingkan dengan javanicus relative lebih lantang namun tipikal burung ini biasanya lebih giras atau sulit untuk dijinakan.
Mana yang lebih baik, tentu kembali ke masalah selera, jika anda suka burung yang mudah jinak dan cepat memaster suara burung sekitar, javanicus pilihan yang tepat. Atau jika anda suka burung dengan warna yang cerah dan menyimpan potensi besar kedepan, pilihlah saya auriventer, atau suka yang berbody besar dengan suara lantang, montannus jawabannya.
source : http://www.kicaumania.org/
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Jakarta (KM) - Burung pleci saat ini menjadi burung idola baru, beberapa rekan beramai-ramai memelihara burung pleci, baik didasari rasa suka atau sekedar penasaran akan cerita kehebatan burung kecil berwarna hijau ini. Di luar negeri, khususnya Malaysia, Singapura, dan Vietnam burung ini menjadi salah satu burung yang disukai untuk di pelihara.
Beberapa jenis pleci yang biasa dijadikan peliharaan di luar negeri adalah jenis Auriventer, jenis ini terkenal karena warnanya yang cerah dan suaranya yang kristal serta lantang, beberapa video yang diunggah di Youtube kebanyakan dari jenis pleci auriventer, lalu jenis Everetti yang mempunyai mental petarung. Di Indonesia sendiri pecinta pleci saat ini masih terpesona pada Pleci jenis Javanicus, kelebihan pleci ini selain mudah di dapat, juga mudah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan karena jenis ini asli dari tanah jawa sehingga penyesuaian dengan habitat dan lingkungan menjadi lebih mudah.
Jenis Auriventer berasal dari sumatera dan Kalimantan, serta semenanjung Malaysia dan penyebarannya meluas ke daerah lain di dunia seperti Malaysia dan Singapura. Jenis ini sudah menyebar sampai ke jawa. Rekan saya yang belum lama ini berkunjung ke singapura menyatakan, ada perbedaan mencolok fisik auriventer yang ada di singapura dan yang ada di Jakarta.
"Ukuran auriventer disana lebih besar, kira kira sebesar pleci montannus dengan warna lebih cerah dan 'kacamata' yang relative lebih tebal, suaranya pun terdengar lantang, kalau dirupiahkan harga bakalan ombyokan disana sekitar Rp200.000,- sementara kalau yang sudah dipisah sekitar Rp250.000,- sampai dengan Rp300.000,- untuk pleci bahan", katanya. Tidak heran pleci disana tubuhnya lebih besar karena didapatkan dari lingkungan yang memungkinkan burung untuk tumbuh dengan baik seperti dari daerah sumatera, Kalimantan dan di malaysia.
Selain jenis-jenis di atas yang lazim ada di tanah jawa, ada juga pleci jenis Montannus yang dicirikan dengan iris matanya yang putih, dada abu-abu cenderung putih. Suara jenis ini dibandingkan dengan javanicus relative lebih lantang namun tipikal burung ini biasanya lebih giras atau sulit untuk dijinakan.
Mana yang lebih baik, tentu kembali ke masalah selera, jika anda suka burung yang mudah jinak dan cepat memaster suara burung sekitar, javanicus pilihan yang tepat. Atau jika anda suka burung dengan warna yang cerah dan menyimpan potensi besar kedepan, pilihlah saya auriventer, atau suka yang berbody besar dengan suara lantang, montannus jawabannya.
source : http://www.kicaumania.org/
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Burung Pleci,
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Burung Pleci,
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
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Friday, December 9, 2011
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Download Kicau Burung
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There are some important things that must be considered in the selection of material or going on a bird Love Bird
Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big, long and looks sturdy.
Big-headed. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat.
Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height. Should also choose the material that broad-chested.
Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose a large legs and looks dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
Large eyeball and shining clean. Indicates this bird has a bright prospect when used as bird race. Because it would be very Gacor.

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There are some important things that must be considered in the selection of material or going on a bird Love Bird
Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big, long and looks sturdy.
Big-headed. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat.
Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height. Should also choose the material that broad-chested.
Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose a large legs and looks dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
Large eyeball and shining clean. Indicates this bird has a bright prospect when used as bird race. Because it would be very Gacor.

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Love Bird
Kicau Birds Nusantara Love at first bird Bird decoration which some people used as a symbol of harmony in pairs. Along with the rapid trend of the world of birds chirping, bird Bird Love much serve as master of birds and bird race by Kicaumania in the country. This bird is famous for its humorous and hair colors are very charming. The bird is famous nag, it is sensitive to high noise around it. Caring for birds Love Bird is easy and fun.
Adaptable, these birds are very easy to adapt to environmental changes. Tailor shouted and brawler. When Love Bird heard another bird or birds look similar, then the spirit of direct combat raged.
Most prone to lust. This bird is very easy to ride lust, many causes that can create increased desire on the birds of this species. Variation of feed that are less precise, excessive drying or see other Bird Love birds can quickly raise the level of lust.
Easy to tame. Because of the high adaptasi ability, then it is easy to tame birds to humans.
Not easy to stress. Bird species have been bred by humans for hundreds of years.
Enjoying a cool environment. These birds are enjoying the cool temperatures.
Bird Colonies and in groups. Should guard some Love Bird birds in one house. Because if this bird alone, then over time this bird will become stressed.
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Adaptable, these birds are very easy to adapt to environmental changes. Tailor shouted and brawler. When Love Bird heard another bird or birds look similar, then the spirit of direct combat raged.
Most prone to lust. This bird is very easy to ride lust, many causes that can create increased desire on the birds of this species. Variation of feed that are less precise, excessive drying or see other Bird Love birds can quickly raise the level of lust.
Easy to tame. Because of the high adaptasi ability, then it is easy to tame birds to humans.
Not easy to stress. Bird species have been bred by humans for hundreds of years.
Enjoying a cool environment. These birds are enjoying the cool temperatures.
Bird Colonies and in groups. Should guard some Love Bird birds in one house. Because if this bird alone, then over time this bird will become stressed.
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Love Bird
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Download Kicau Burung,
Type Murai Batu in The World
SUB SPECIES Murai Batu (Copsychus malabaricus)
In general hobbies in Indonesia is more familiar birds Murai Batu on one type only, namely the sub-species Copsychus malabaricus tricolor (White-rumped Shama). Sub-species has a pattern of three colors, namely black, brown and white. Dominant color on the head, neck, back and tail are generally black. The color of the chest and abdomen brown, while the lower back (butt) and a secondary tail feathers are white.

Malabaricus subspecies Copsychus tricolor (White rumped Shama)
This subspecies most commonly found in Island Java and Island Sumatra. Because of differences in habitat and geography of each place is different, so even this subspecies has a striking physical differences. To Murai Batu who lived on the island of Java, the local community more familiar with the title of birds Larwo (tricolor-Javanus Copsycus malabaricus). Birds of this type already indicated very rare (perhaps extinct).

While sub-species that live around the Sunda Strait, Krakatau, coastal and inland float, people familiar with the name Murai Batu Lampung. Murai Batu has a long tail approximately 10 cm - 12 cm. For the hobbies that often follow the birds singing competition, is less desirable species. Some argued that this type of mentality Murai Batu Singin low and less good.

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In general hobbies in Indonesia is more familiar birds Murai Batu on one type only, namely the sub-species Copsychus malabaricus tricolor (White-rumped Shama). Sub-species has a pattern of three colors, namely black, brown and white. Dominant color on the head, neck, back and tail are generally black. The color of the chest and abdomen brown, while the lower back (butt) and a secondary tail feathers are white.

Malabaricus subspecies Copsychus tricolor (White rumped Shama)
This subspecies most commonly found in Island Java and Island Sumatra. Because of differences in habitat and geography of each place is different, so even this subspecies has a striking physical differences. To Murai Batu who lived on the island of Java, the local community more familiar with the title of birds Larwo (tricolor-Javanus Copsycus malabaricus). Birds of this type already indicated very rare (perhaps extinct).

While sub-species that live around the Sunda Strait, Krakatau, coastal and inland float, people familiar with the name Murai Batu Lampung. Murai Batu has a long tail approximately 10 cm - 12 cm. For the hobbies that often follow the birds singing competition, is less desirable species. Some argued that this type of mentality Murai Batu Singin low and less good.

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Murai Batu