Monday, April 11, 2011

Nuri Papua

Justification This parrot qualifies for Vulnerable because it has a small population that is undergoing a continuing decline owing to exploitation for the cagebird trade and loss of lowland forest. However there is very little recent data on this species, which may be declining more rapidly, or may be secure, on Supiori.

Taxonomic source(s) Sibley and Monroe (1990, 1993)

Identification 10 cm. Bright red, long-tailed parrot. Violet patch on ear-coverts and black mantle and wing-coverts. Red underwing, yellowish subterminally with narrow black trailing edge. Similar spp. Black-capped Lory Lorius lory has short tail, black cap, green upperwings and purple belly. Red-fronted Lorikeet Charmosyna rubronotata and Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus are largely green. Voice Stronger and shorter screech than T. haematodus. Hints Fairly common around any remnant forest, especially at flowering trees.

Population justification Population estimate = 2-32 individuals/km2 x 592 km2 (20% EOO) = 1,184-18,944, best placed in band 2,500-10,000 (density range based from lowest to lower quartile of 11 estimates for three congeners in BirdLife Population Density Spreadsheet)

Trend justification Logging and subsistence agriculture have driven forest loss within its range and hunting pressure continues to represent a threat. Consequently the species is suspected to be in decline at a moderate rate.

Range and population Eos cyanogenia is endemic to the Geelvink Islands of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesia, where it is known from the islands of Biak-Supiori, and the much smaller islands of Numfor, Manim and Mios Num1,11. On Biak, it is fairly common in patchy forest, although it has sometimes been recorded in flocks of 40-602,8,9,14 but, on Supiori, it is common, although less so at higher altitudes3,9. It is nomadic, making it difficult to assess its true numbers but, on Biak, it appears it declined notably between 1982 and 19956.

Ecology It is a gregarious species which apparently feeds chiefly in inland forest, up to 460 m (although becoming less common at altitudes above 200 m on Supiori, at least), and roosts in coconut plantations and nearby coastal forest3. It is common in "flat forest" on Supiori9 and still relatively common in secondary forest on Biak7, but is absent from low scrubby regrowth6.

Threats Relatively large numbers have been trapped for the domestic and international trade4,12, and this species is commonly observed as a pet on Biak3. Large areas of forest on Biak have been destroyed or damaged by logging and subsistence farming, particularly the southern plains, and the remainder is under pressure3,5,10. Furthermore, forest does not regenerate easily on areas of raised coralline limestone. Much of Supiori comprises virtually impenetrable, forested limestone mountains, which is likely to be safe from habitat degradation.

Conservation measures underway CITES Appendix II. There are two protected areas on the islands, Biak-Utara (covering 110 km2) and Pulau Supiori (covering 420 km2) Nature Reserves13. It was common in Biak-Utara Reserve in 19972.

Conservation measures proposed Conduct surveys on all the Geelvink Islands to clarify its current distribution and population status. Research its ecology and movements to facilitate planning for its conservation. Investigate trade in the species and devise and implement appropriate controls. Estimate the rate of forest loss within its range. Control logging on Supiori.

References 1. Beehler et al. (1986). 2. B. Beehler and S. van Balen in litt. (2000). 3. Bishop (1982). 4. K. D. Bishop in litt. (1994). 5. K. D. Bishop in litt. (1996). 6. K. D. Bishop in litt. (2000). 7. N. Bostock in litt. (1993). 8. Collar et al. (1994). 9. Gibbs (1993). 10. D. Holmes in litt. (2000). 11. Mayr and Meyer de Schauensee (1939). 12. Nash (1990b). 13. Sujatnika et al. (1995). 14. M. Van Beirs in litt. (2000).

Further web sources of information

Detailed species accounts from the Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data Book (BirdLife International 2001), together with new information collated since the publication of the Red Data Book

Text account compliers Phil Benstead (BirdLife International), Jeremy Bird (BirdLife International), Mike Crosby (BirdLife International), Guy Dutson (Birds Australia)

Contributors B. M. Beehler and Bas (S.) van Balen (Conservation International), Derek Holmes (Indonesian Ornithological Society), K. David Bishop (VENT Bird Tours), N. Bostock and M van Beirs.

IUCN Red List evaluators Mike Crosby (BirdLife International), Jeremy Bird (BirdLife International), Stuart Butchart (BirdLife International)


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