Friday, April 29, 2011

Ciri Murai Batu Jantan dan Betina

1. The characteristics of male Murai Batu:
  • big
  • Having a strict color-black feathers on the head and back as well as having chest brownish or dark red.
  • Murai Batu male tail length is usually more than 17 cm.
  • At the time of singing, Murai Batu males have a considerable variation and is not monotonous, in addition, the volume is very loud.

2. Murai Batu traits females:

  • Body size small enough
  • Have a little hair color fade almost grayish and not as sharp as stone male Magpie. However, there are some cases where Murai Batu females have a color that is identical to the male.
  • Murai Batu female tail length shorter than a male Magpie, length is approximately 10 s / d 15 cm, although in some cases have a longer one.
  • Murai had a female voice that is smaller and thinner and not variatis, sometimes even just ngeban-ngeban only.

Perhaps the characteristics of female and male magpie stone above can be used as guidance in selecting Murai Batu trotolan or going though the information is still incomplete.

If there is input or the latest info on how to distinguish male and female magpie stone, this post will be updated as soon as possible. Happy hunting magpie rocks!
murai batu jantan dan betina, membedakan murai batu jantan dan betina, makanan murai batu, cara merawat murai batu
1. Ciri-ciri Murai Batu jantan :
  • Bertubuh besar
  • Memiliki warna bulu tegas yang hitam pekat pada bagian kepala dan punggung serta memiliki dada yang berwarna kecoklatan atau merah tua.
  • Panjang ekor Murai Batu jantan biasanya lebih dari 17 cm.
  • Pada saat berkicau, Murai Batu jantan mempunyai variasi yang cukup banyak dan tidak monoton, selain itu, volumenya sangatlah keras.

2. Ciri-ciri Murai Batu betina :

  • Ukuran tubuhnya cukup kecil
  • Memiliki warna bulu yang sedikit pudar hampir keabu-abuan dan tidak setajam Murai batu jantan. Namun, ada beberapa kasus dimana Murai Batu betina memiliki warna yang identik dengan jantan.
  • Panjang ekor Murai Batu betina lebih pendek dari Murai jantan, panjangnya kurang lebih 10 s/d 15 cm, meskipun dalam beberapa kasus ada yang lebih panjang.
  • Suara yang dimiliki Murai betina lebih kecil dan tipis dan tidak variatis, bahkan terkadang hanya ngeban-ngeban saja.

Mungkin ciri-ciri murai batu betina dan jantan diatas bisa digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam memilih Murai Batu trotolan ataupun bakalan meskipun informasinya masih belum lengkap.

Jika ada masukan atau info terbaru tentang cara membedakan murai batu jantan dan betina, posting ini akan secepatnya diperbarui. Selamat berburu murai batu!!
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Bird Anis Kembang Male / Jantan

Bird Anis Kembang Male.
anis kembang male bird images, and how to distinguish male and female birds aniskembang, please enjoy the images of birds anis kembang. How to Distinguish Anis Kembang Males and Females and how to feed fairly regularly and fairly in the clean cage Cara Membedakan Anis Kembang Jantan dan Betina dan cara memberi makan cukup teratur dan cukup di bersihkan kandangya.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nuri Dari Papua Kepala Hitam

Nuri birds of Papua has a black head and wings of a little blue-green color is red. Nuri It Acquired from papua Irian Jaya. Nuri dari papua ( Irian Jaya)

Nuri kepala Hitam, nuri dari papua, burung nuri, nuri kepala hitam, ciri nuri dari papua irian jaya

Nuri Papua Kepala Hitam

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tips for Choosing a Bird Pleci going

Tips for Choosing a Bird Pleci going / Materials. Memilih bakalan pleci jantan dan Betina. Collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara.

To get the bird pleci which will be leaked and teller, based on my experience I select the following:
  • Find the bird pleci a bright yellow coat color (pleci male) and smooth, the female dull yellow fur color.
  • Part length thick, thick voice usually but not much variety.
  • Part of short thin, his voice is usually mixed.
  • Find a tail that gather together and slightly down.
  • Shape your body and great length.
  • The circle around the eyes looking a thick white.
  • Pleci a good mental tongkrongannya usually quiet.

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membedakan pleci jantan dan betina, pleci jantan, pleci betina, bakalan pleci

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Ciri Anis Kembang Jantan dan Betina

membedakan anis kembang jantan dan betian, menjodohkan anis kembang, merawat anis kembang pada saat ngurak, makanan anis kembang
If we want to maintain a bird chirp, whether it be birds or the projected home for the race, of the androgynous male birds who will be pursued. Why is that? It is undeniable that the male birds have more value, both in terms of economics or kicauanya own. If the previous posts have discussed how to distinguish anis merah jantan, now our turn to know the characteristics anis kembang jantan and female. Was quite difficult? The answer could be yes and can not.
Let not the more deviated from the topic, here are simple tips how to distinguish male and female aniskembang.

1. The characteristics of male Anis Kembang
  • The eyes protrude.
  • Feather on the buttocks around the anus, aniskembang white males have a black cloud image patterned thin.
  • Punglor male flowers have a voice loud enough and loud.

2. The characteristics of female Anis Kembang
  • Eyes not protruding flat alias.
  • The color of hair on the buttocks are not plain white patterned aliases
  • Sound punglor female flowers tend to be loud and not too loud.

In addition to the above characteristics, of course there are still other characteristics of anis kembang anis kembang male and female. Unfortunately, until now not many sources of information that reviews more about the characteristics of male and female anis kembang. Therefore, if the visitors have more detailed information about how to distinguish male and female aniskembang, please kerelaanya to share experiences here.
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Flamingo is a ladder-legged bird species that live in groups. They are of the genus Phoenicopterus and family Phoenicopteridae. This bird is found in western and eastern hemisphere, but more numerous in the eastern hemisphere. There are 4 species of flamingos in America and 2 in the Old World flamingo species. Collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara.

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Reed warblers assail cuckoos in force to protect their nests from potential parasitism

When it comes to protecting their nests, reed warblers have something in common with Super Bowl hopefuls, the Pittsburgh Steelers: both believe the best offense is a great defense. But whereas the Steelers must stop the Arizona Cardinals, the songbirds need to steel themselves against marauding cuckoos.
The reason: reed warbler nests are a favorite target of cuckoos, which are always on the lookout for places to lay their eggs and foist off the hard work of child rearing onto an unsuspecting dupe. But new research shows that reed warblers don't take such abuse lying down. Instead, they mount a mighty defense, mobbing, attacking and loudly scolding invading cuckoos until they give up and fly off.

Scientists report today in Current Biology that the warblers mob in ways that suggest they balance the risks of doing so—such as drawing the attention of potential predators in the process —with the likelihood that their nests will be hijacked by cuckoos.

Justin Welbergen and Nicholas Davies, zoologists at the University of Cambridge in England, studied the mobbing activity of reed warblers by placing wooden mannequins of cuckoos near 191 of the songbirds' nests in rural areas that were home to both species. They found that warblers were three to four times less likely to have cuckoos commandeer their nests if they mobbed the trespassers than if they did not use the defense strategy.

"We found that birds with 'riskier' nests were more likely to defend themselves by mobbing. In addition, we found that birds that nested in riskier locations [where cuckoos were more prevalent, for instance] were less likely to be parasitized if they mobbed," Welbergen says.

In places where parasitism was uncommon, however, mobbing appeared to attract rather than discourage the moochers, suggesting that in these areas the best defense was a weak offense. In these locations, the warblers shunned decoys of parrots, species that do not parasitize their nests—indicating that mobbing is a behavior that the birds do not use indiscriminately.

The researchers say the findings are further evidence of an arms, (wings?) race between reed warblers and cuckoos. Over time, the two species have evolved tit for tat to gain an advantage in their parasite–host relationship. Reed warblers, for example, learned to eject foreign cuckoo eggs from their nests; cuckoos, in turn, began laying eggs that resembled those of the smaller bird, reducing the chances of rejection.

Similarly, being mobbed raises the odds that a cuckoo will be sighted by a larger predator—so cuckoos have evolved to resemble sparrow hawks, thereby discouraging warblers from engaging in mobbing behavior.

"Thus, the emerging view is that hosts use a ' defense in depth strategy,' whereby they deploy sequential lines of defense in a co-evolutionary arms race with corresponding offensive lines of the parasite," Welbergen says.

Interestingly, Welbergen says, many reed warblers did not mob cuckoos even though their nests were in locations with a great degree of parasitism—perhaps because they were naive birds that had to refine their ability to discriminate cuckoos from other species, such as potentially lethal sparrow hawks, he says. "Further studies are needed," he notes, "to test whether reed warblers need to learn to mob cuckoos."

Michael Sorenson, a Boston University bird biologist, says "it boggles the mind to think about how all of this subtle flexibility in behavior has evolved: What genetic changes [compared with nonparasitized birds] produce in reed warblers the ability to make these seemingly sophisticated responses to variation in parasitism risk?"
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Macaws Bird

Macaws, makanan Macaws , warna burung Macaws, membedakan burung Macaws  jantan dan betina
What magnificent creatures these birds are. No protective coloration. No creeping about trying to blend in with the countryside. Macaws--the largest of the neotropical parrots--are dazzlingly colored in jackets of bright yellow and blue, green, or scarlet. Their harsh, raucous voices are filled with authority. "Even moving from branch to branch in the treetops," says one writer, "they seem arrogant and proud as emperors."
Although macaw is the common name for any of 15 species of these large, long-tailed birds found throughout Central and South America, only two species inhabit Costa Rica: the scarlet macaw (lapa roja) and the great green or Buffon's macaw (lapa verde). Though the scarlet ranges from Mexico to central South America and was once abundant on both coasts of Costa Rica, today it is found only in a few parks on the Pacific shore, and rarely on the Caribbean side, which is the home of the Buffon's macaw. Both bird populations are losing their homes to deforestation and poaching. The scarlet macaw population has declined so dramatically that it is now in danger of disappearing completely: there are only three wild populations in Central America that have a long-term chance of survival--at Carara Biological Reserve and Corcovado in Costa Rica, and Coiba Island in Panama--although macaws can also be seen with regularity at Palo Verde National Park, Santa Rosa National Park, and other forested parts of the Gulf of Nicoya and Osa Peninsula. There are an estimated 200 scarlets at Carara and 1,600 at Corcovado, where as many as 40 may be seen at one time.

As they fly overhead, calling loudly, their long, trailing tail feathers and short wings make it impossible to confuse them with other birds. They are gregarious and rarely seen alone. They are almost always paired male and female--they're monogamous for life--often sitting side by side, grooming and preening each other, and conversing in rasping loving tones, or flying two by two. However, it is impossible to tell male from female. The scarlet's bright red-orange plumage with touches of blue and yellow does not vary between the sexes or with aging.

Macaws usually nest in softwood trees, such as jallinazos, where termites have hollowed out holes. April through July, you might see small groups of macaws clambering about the upper trunks of dead trees at Corcovado, squabbling over holes and crevices. In Carara, nesting season begins in September.

Many bird books mistakenly describe macaws as feeding on fruits--they get their names because they supposedly feed on the fruits of the macaw palms. In fact, they rarely eat fruits, but prefer seeds and nuts, which they extract with a hooked nutcracker of such strength that it can split that most intractable of nuts, the Brazil nut.
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Kolibri Hummingbird

burung kolibri mungil, makanan kolibri, eat hummingbirds
Of all the exotically named bird species in Costa Rica, the hummingbirds beat all contenders. Their names are poetry: the green-crowned brilliant, purple-throated mountaingem, Buffon's plummeteer, and the bold and strikingly beautiful fiery-throated hummingbird. There are more than 300 species of New World hummingbirds constituting the family Trochilidae (Costa Rica has 51), and all are stunningly pretty. The fiery-throated hummingbird, for example, is a glossy green, shimmering iridescent at close range, with dark blue tail, violet-blue chest, glittering coppery orange throat, and a brilliant blue crown set off by velvety black on the sides and back of the head. Some males take their exotic plumage one step further and are bedecked with long streamer tails and iridescent moustaches, beards, and visors. Collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara

These tiny high-speed machines are named because of the hum made by the beat of their wings. At up to 100 beats per second, the hummingbirds' wings move so rapidly that the naked eye cannot detect them. They are often seen hovering at flowers, from which they extract nectar and often insects with their long, hollow, and extensile tongues forked at the tip. Alone among birds, they can generate power on both the forward and backward wing strokes, a distinction that allows them to even fly backwards!
hummingbirds, suara, kolibri, makanan hummingbirds, gambar burung hummingbirds kolibri

Understandably, the energy required to function at such an intense pitch is prodigious. The hummingbird has the highest metabolic rate per unit of body weight in the avian world (its pulse rate can exceed 1,200 beats a minute) and requires proportionately large amounts of food. One biologist discovered that the white-eared hummingbird consumes up to 850% of its own weight in food and water each day. At night, they go into "hibernation," lowering their body temperatures and metabolism to conserve energy.

Typically loners, hummingbirds bond with the opposite sex only for the few seconds it takes to mate. Many, such as the fiery-throated hummingbird, are fiercely territorial. With luck you might witness a spectacular aerial battle between males defending their territories. In breeding season, the males "possess" territories rich in flowers attractive to females: the latter gains an ample food source in exchange for offering the male sole paternity rights. Nests are often no larger than a thimble, loosely woven with cobwebs and flecks of bark and lined with silky plant down. Inside, the female will lay two eggs no larger than coffee beans.
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Monday, April 18, 2011

Bird Tengkek Kolibri Pleci Duck

Collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara.

Pictures Duck Fliying

download gambar burung, galeri burung, gambar burungBird Pictures berbullu blue and red beak that is very funny and adorable
gambar burung, burung tengkek, makanan tengkek oren, burung berparuhImage of a small bird named pleci with yellow coat color and black beak is very small birds and funny
gambar burung pleci, makanan pleci, membedakan pleci jantan dan betina, suara burung pleciHummingbird bird drawings that were catching prey on the water, the birds are so small and the long half-life blue feathers to the brass. Very interesting voice
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Bird on this one in the know with birds Platuk which usually nest in the tree trunk

gambar burung platuk, cara membedakan burung platuk jantan dan betina, makanan burung platuk

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Gambar BUrung Paruh Panjang

collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara

burung paruh panjang, pleci, burung papua, burung panjang paruh, budidaya burung

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Download Gambar Burung Cimblek

Foto Cimblek Alas atau cimblek liar, silahkan download gambar gambar burng di blog ini.
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Cara Memilih Cimblek Jantan dan etina

cimblek jantan betina, ciri burung cimblek jantan dan betina, makanan burung cimblek, suara burung cimblek, cara perawatan burung cimblek
I differentiate cimblek cimblek jandan and female, in this artikl we will discuss about food and bird cimblek cimblek this. How to choose a male and female birds cimblek very easy and we will discuss in this article. may be useful for reading.Ciblek merupakan burung fighter kecil yang memiliki suara tembakan dahsyat. Jika burung ini telah cukup umur, dia bisa mengeluarkan suara ngebren yg benar-benar mirip dengan rentetan senjata AK-47. Sayangnya, tidak semua ciblek mampu mengeluarkan suara-suara tersebut. Hanya ciblek jantan yang memiliki kemampuan seperti itu. Oleh karenanya, jika kita ingin memelihara ciblek, sangat disarankan untuk memilih ciblek jantan dibanding yang betina. Persoalanya, tidak mudah bagi kita untuk membedakan mana ciblek jantan atau ciblek betina. Ciri-ciri umum yang sudah kita ketahui terkadang telah dimanipulasi oleh para pedagang.

Namun demikian, ada baiknya kita untuk mengulas kembali apa saja ciri-ciri ciblek jantan dan betina supaya kita bisa berhati-hati dalam membeli. Dan berikut ciri-ciri umum dari burung kecil tersebut.

1. Ciri-ciri ciblek jantan
  • Paruh atas dan bawah berwarna hitam pekat (termasuk paruh dalam ronga mulut)
  • Ekor rapat dan panjang
  • Warna bulu abu abu bagian kepala jelas (dileher abu abunya membentuk kalung)
  • Suara (dominan nembak …ciblek….ciblek..ciblek…dan variasi lainnya)
  • Tidak ada alis putih di atas dan bawah mata

2. Ciri-ciri ciblek betina
  • Paruh atas hitam bagian bawah putih (termasuk rongga dalam mulut berwarna putih)
  • Ekor mengembang dan pendek (menyerupai kipas)
  • Warna bulu agak bagian kepala kuning kehijau hijauan (abu abu dileher tidak membentuk kalung)
  • Jarang bersuara/ hanya bersuara cinenenen..cinenenn…
  • Ada alis putih di atas dan bawah mata
Setelah mengetahui ciri-ciri umum dari ciblek jantan dan ciblek betina diatas, sekerang terserah kita semua apakah mau memelihara burung tersebut atau tidak. Andaikan berminat, pilihlah ciblek putih jantan dibanding ciblek kuning. Akan tetapi, semua kembali ke selera masing-masing individu. Yang jelas, ciblek putih jantan biasanya memiliki tembakan yang lebih panjang dibanding ciblek kuning.
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Kapas Tembak Jantan dan Betina

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Before reviewing more deeply about the characteristics of male and or beard kapas tembak male shoot, maybe it's good for the perception of the characteristics kapastembak first. KapasTembak, for some people referred to as a beard or shoot and vice versa. However, whether these two names is a representation of a bird? Based on several sources that exist in print or online, KapasTembak is its own kind and can not be equated with a beard shot. Ciri burung kapas tembak jantan dan betina, mengetahui ciri khusus kapas tembak, no Download suara burung Kapas Tembak.

Fundamental characteristics of a distinguished kapastembak is shaped like a cotton beard and chest colors which tend to be grayish white. While Beard Shoot has a distinguished chest golden browned and almost resembles a banana skin which is almost rotten.

However, to distinguish the sex of kapas tembak or beard shoot, almost no difference.

1. Kapastembak male traits.
  • Having a body that is symmetrical and larger.
  • Sound is not only dominated by the shot. Male Kapas tembak able to spend a very melodious chirping like a magpie kacer pot or stone.
  • When on the track with other kapastembak, wings not ngleper.

2. Kapastembak female characteristics.
  • Having a smaller body than the male kapas tembak.
  • The voice over is dominated by the shot. Therefore, kapas tembak females preferred as a tool pemaster other birds.
  • When in fights with other kapas tembak, their wings often ngleper.

In addition, it can also use the technique to distinguish sex in cucak beard.

However, the characteristics of male and beard firing kapas tembak male above is not absolute. In practice, it could be found any difference. So, be careful before you buy is properly done.
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Ciri Cucak Jenggot Jantan dan Betina

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Cucak Jenggot or who has the Latin name Alophoxius Bres (Grey-cheeked bulbul in English) is a family of Pycnonotidae. This fruit-eating birds have a distinctive enough voice besetan and often accompanied by a shot, be it male or cucak cucak goatee beard female. Although by some chirping mania cucak beard is often considered as a master bird, but in perkembanganya, cucak jenggot can also be used as a mascot and even dimaster by other birds, especially cucak manly beard. Membedakan cucak jenggot jantan dan betina. Memberi pakan untuk cucak jenggot, cara penanganan jika burung cucak jenggot mabung, makanan cucak jenggot.

To be able to distinguish the sex of cucak jenggot, basically it's not easy to recognize as traits cucak green (cuucak ijo) or other birds. However, following below at a glance how to distinguish cucak goatee beard male and female cucak.

1. Characteristics Cucak Male Beard
  • Sound chirp varied and not just monotonous.
  • If on the other tracks with cucak beard, not ngeleper (vibrating wing).
  • If he was already well established, Cucak male beard does not spawn if the excess extra fooding.
  • The more symmetrical both in view of the head, back and tail.
  • Color in the chest more dominated by the color yellow.

2. The characteristics of Cucak Beard Females
  • Tend to be monotonous chirping sound and more sound is dominated by besetan / ngesrek.
  • If on the other tracks with cucak beard, especially with cucak manly beard, wings will ngeleper.
  • If he was already well established, the beard Cucak females will lay eggs, particularly if boosted with extra fooding.
  • Body shape is less symmetrical
  • Color chest in dominance with more white than yellow.

Please note that the characteristics of male beard cucak and characteristics of female cucak ijo, jenggot, above is just based on the experience of the majority of players bird. The issue is valid or not, monggo in his own try.
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Kacer (Copsychus Saularis)

anakan kacer, membedakan kacer jantan dan betina
Kacer (Copsychus Saularis) merupakan salah satu burung fighter dengan kicauan yang sangat merdu seperti murai batu. Baik kacer poci maupun kacer hitam, rata-rata memiliki kemampuan untuk menirukan kicauan burung lainnya. Oleh karenanya kacer poci dan kacer hitam sangat digemari di kalangan kicau mania Indonesia. Selain bagus untuk sekedar hobi, kacer dapat pula dipelihara untuk tujuan lomba, khus usnya kacer putih atau dada putih. Sementara untuk kacer hitam, lebih sering kita jumpai sebagai burung kelangenan meski tidak jarang ada pemain yang membawanya ke arena lomba. Namun demikian, secara umum kacer hitam lebih memiliki nilai jual dibanding dengan kacer putih. Alhasil, banyak penangkar lebih memilih indukan kacer hitam dibanding dengan kacer poci.
Collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara.
Mengetahui ciri kacer poci jantan, terutama jika burung tersebut sudah menginjak usia dewasa, sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit. Warna dari keduanya sungguh sangat mencolok. Untuk lebih jelasnya, baca perbedaan / ciri kacer poci jantan dan kacer poci betina di bawah. Kacer putih jantan memiliki warna bulu hitam yang mengkilap, sementara warna bulu kacer putih betina cenderung kusam dan agak keabu-abuan. - Pada bagian dada, kacer poci jantan memiliki warna hitam yang mengkilap, sementara si betina berwarna abu-abu. - Kicauan kacer poci jantan cukup variatif dan lebih gacor, sebaliknya kacer poci betina memiliki kicauan yang monoton seperti cucak jenggot walau tidak semua betina bertipe demikian. - Ukuran bodi kacer dada putih jantan biasanya lebih besar, sementara si betina lebih kecil. (namun ini tidak mutlak) Pada saat masih trotol, bagian dada kacer poci jantan di dominasi oleh trotol hitam dan kombinasi dengan warna putih kekuningan, sementara betina kombinasi trotol dengan warna putih keabu-abuan. Mungkin hanya itu ciri-ciri singkat untuk membedakan kacer poci jantan atau kacer putih jantan. Kalau ada salah-salah kata, mohon di maafkan karena ciri-ciri diatas hanya berdasar pada penjabaran dari penjual burung beserta ulasan dari media. Jika anda mengetahui ciri kacer poci jantan atau ciri kacer dada putih jantan yang belum ada di postingan ini, mohon untuk rela berbagi dengan yang lain. Wassalam dan semoga bermanfaat.
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Monday, April 11, 2011

Nuri Kepala Hitam Papua

Kemarin Main ke tempat Pacar eh bapaknya bawa 2 ekor Burung Nuri Kepala Hitam, terus ane ajak Main tuh burung nuri yang dari papua ke jawa tengah Naik Kapal, saya ajak main main itu nuri dan nuri sesekali menuju ke kepala saya, tapi saya cegah. Habis kaki kukunya pada sakit kalo mencengkram ke kulit tangan, maklum langsung dari Hutan Papua sana h h h. Alhasil saya bawa pulang deh itu nuri ke rumah next ane habis magrib jalan ke Surabaya untuk Glidik lagi, sampe sekarang belum main main ma burung nUri yang lucu itu lagi ;,( ,,,,,
Tunggu ane pulang 2 minggu lagi nuri kepala Hitam ok ok :)
Main yesterday to take the place of his father's girlfriend er 2 tails Nuri Chief Black Bird,continues to invite ane Main tuh parrot that of Papua into central java Up Ship, I invited to play play the parrot and the parrot occasionally go to my head, but I was prevented. Outkalo sore feet fingernails on the hand grip to the skin, directly from the forests of Papuaunderstand there hh h. As a result I take it back deh ane parrot to the next house downthe road west to Surabaya to Glidik again, until now not play play ma parrot that funnyanymore;, (,,,,,
Wait for 2 more weeks to go home ane parrot head Black ok ok:)
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Nuri Papua

Justification This parrot qualifies for Vulnerable because it has a small population that is undergoing a continuing decline owing to exploitation for the cagebird trade and loss of lowland forest. However there is very little recent data on this species, which may be declining more rapidly, or may be secure, on Supiori.

Taxonomic source(s) Sibley and Monroe (1990, 1993)

Identification 10 cm. Bright red, long-tailed parrot. Violet patch on ear-coverts and black mantle and wing-coverts. Red underwing, yellowish subterminally with narrow black trailing edge. Similar spp. Black-capped Lory Lorius lory has short tail, black cap, green upperwings and purple belly. Red-fronted Lorikeet Charmosyna rubronotata and Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus are largely green. Voice Stronger and shorter screech than T. haematodus. Hints Fairly common around any remnant forest, especially at flowering trees.

Population justification Population estimate = 2-32 individuals/km2 x 592 km2 (20% EOO) = 1,184-18,944, best placed in band 2,500-10,000 (density range based from lowest to lower quartile of 11 estimates for three congeners in BirdLife Population Density Spreadsheet)

Trend justification Logging and subsistence agriculture have driven forest loss within its range and hunting pressure continues to represent a threat. Consequently the species is suspected to be in decline at a moderate rate.

Range and population Eos cyanogenia is endemic to the Geelvink Islands of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesia, where it is known from the islands of Biak-Supiori, and the much smaller islands of Numfor, Manim and Mios Num1,11. On Biak, it is fairly common in patchy forest, although it has sometimes been recorded in flocks of 40-602,8,9,14 but, on Supiori, it is common, although less so at higher altitudes3,9. It is nomadic, making it difficult to assess its true numbers but, on Biak, it appears it declined notably between 1982 and 19956.

Ecology It is a gregarious species which apparently feeds chiefly in inland forest, up to 460 m (although becoming less common at altitudes above 200 m on Supiori, at least), and roosts in coconut plantations and nearby coastal forest3. It is common in "flat forest" on Supiori9 and still relatively common in secondary forest on Biak7, but is absent from low scrubby regrowth6.

Threats Relatively large numbers have been trapped for the domestic and international trade4,12, and this species is commonly observed as a pet on Biak3. Large areas of forest on Biak have been destroyed or damaged by logging and subsistence farming, particularly the southern plains, and the remainder is under pressure3,5,10. Furthermore, forest does not regenerate easily on areas of raised coralline limestone. Much of Supiori comprises virtually impenetrable, forested limestone mountains, which is likely to be safe from habitat degradation.

Conservation measures underway CITES Appendix II. There are two protected areas on the islands, Biak-Utara (covering 110 km2) and Pulau Supiori (covering 420 km2) Nature Reserves13. It was common in Biak-Utara Reserve in 19972.

Conservation measures proposed Conduct surveys on all the Geelvink Islands to clarify its current distribution and population status. Research its ecology and movements to facilitate planning for its conservation. Investigate trade in the species and devise and implement appropriate controls. Estimate the rate of forest loss within its range. Control logging on Supiori.

References 1. Beehler et al. (1986). 2. B. Beehler and S. van Balen in litt. (2000). 3. Bishop (1982). 4. K. D. Bishop in litt. (1994). 5. K. D. Bishop in litt. (1996). 6. K. D. Bishop in litt. (2000). 7. N. Bostock in litt. (1993). 8. Collar et al. (1994). 9. Gibbs (1993). 10. D. Holmes in litt. (2000). 11. Mayr and Meyer de Schauensee (1939). 12. Nash (1990b). 13. Sujatnika et al. (1995). 14. M. Van Beirs in litt. (2000).

Further web sources of information

Detailed species accounts from the Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data Book (BirdLife International 2001), together with new information collated since the publication of the Red Data Book

Text account compliers Phil Benstead (BirdLife International), Jeremy Bird (BirdLife International), Mike Crosby (BirdLife International), Guy Dutson (Birds Australia)

Contributors B. M. Beehler and Bas (S.) van Balen (Conservation International), Derek Holmes (Indonesian Ornithological Society), K. David Bishop (VENT Bird Tours), N. Bostock and M van Beirs.

IUCN Red List evaluators Mike Crosby (BirdLife International), Jeremy Bird (BirdLife International), Stuart Butchart (BirdLife International)
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Video Kicau Burung Pleci

Bird Pleci sound, the sound of birds pleci examples can be see here, sura pleci glasses, download video pleci twitter, how to maintain Pleci will be discussed in this article Kicau Bird Nusantara.

Ada Juga Pleci Kaca Mata yang teler Dan Nyaring Bunyinya

Suara Pleci Paling Banter Keras

Bunyi Pleci Di Alam Liar, dan Pleci di Alam Liar

Pleci di belahan dunia lain

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Daftar Spesiaes Burung Dara Merpati

daftar burung dara di seluruh dunia, jenis burung dara, macam burung dara
Daftar seluruh spesies yang disusun berdasarkan nama umum dan nama ilmiah, terdapat pada Daftar spesies Columbidae
Famili Columbidae

Dara zamrud, Chalcophaps indica, asli wilayah tropis Asia bagian selatan dan Australia
Dara-tanah merah
Merpati jambul Victoria Goura victoria di kebun binatang Bristol
Merpati Nikobar, Caloenas nicobarica
SubFamili Columbinae – Merpati dan dara umum
Genus Columba termasuk Aplopelia – Merpati Dunia Lama (33-34 spesies hidup, 2-3 punah)
Genus Streptopelia termasuk Stigmatopelia dan Nesoenas – perkutut (14-18 spesies hidup)
Genus Patagioenas – Merpati-merpati Amerika; dulunya termasuk dalam Columba (17 spesies)
Genus Macropygia (10 spesies)
Genus Reinwardtoena (3 spesies)
Genus Turacoena (2 spesies)
SubFamili Belum Diketahui – Sayap perunggu dan kerabatnya
Genus Turtur – Dara-kayu Afrika (5 spesies; sementara ditempatkan di sini)
Genus Oena – Dara Namaqua (sementara ditempatkan di sini)
Genus Chalcophaps (2 spesies)
Genus Henicophaps (2 spesies)
Genus Phaps (3 spesies)
Genus Ocyphaps – Merpati berjambul
Genus Geophaps (3 spesies)
Genus Petrophassa – Merpati-merpati karang (2 spesies)
Genus Geopelia (3–5 spesies)
SubFamili Leptotilinae – Zenaidin dan dara-puyuh
Genus Zenaida (7 spesies)
Genus Ectopistes – Merpati penumpang (punah; 1914)
Genus Leptotila (11 spesies)
Genus Geotrygon – Dara-puyuh (16 spesies)
Genus Starnoenas – Dara-puyuh kepala-biru
SubFamili Columbininae – Dara-tanah Amerika
Genus Columbina (7 spesies)
Genus Claravis (3 spesies)
Genus Metriopelia (4 spesies)
Genus Scardafella – kemungkinan termasuk ke dalam Columbina (2 spesies)
Genus Uropelia – Dara-tanah ekor-panjang
SubFamili Belum Diketahui – Dara tanah Indopasifik
Genus Gallicolumba (16-17 spesies hidup, 3-4 punah)
Genus Trugon – Merpati tanah paruh-tebal
SubFamili Otidiphabinae – Merpati sempidan
Genus Otidiphaps – Merpati sempidan
SubFamili Didunculinae – Merpati paruh-gigi
Genus Didunculus – Merpati paruh-giri
SubFamili Gourinae – Merpati mahkota
Genus Goura (3 spesies)
SubFamili Belum Diketahui ("Treroninae") – Dara buah dan dara hijau dan merpati raja
Genus Ducula – Merpati raja (36 spesies)
Genus Lopholaimus – Merpati jambul
Genus Hemiphaga (2 spesies)
Genus Cryptophaps – Merpati Sombre
Genus Gymnophaps – Merpati pegunungan (3 spesies)
Genus Ptilinopus – Dara buah (sekitar 50 spesies hidup, 1-2 punah)
Genus Natunaornis – Merpati raksasa Viti Levu (prasejarah)
Genus Drepanoptila – Dara berbulu-belah
Genus Alectroenas – Merpati biru (3 spesies hidup)
SubFamili Raphinae – Dodo dan kerabatnya
Genus Raphus – Dodo (punah; akhir abad ke-17)
Genus Pezophaps – Solitaire Rodrigues (punah; 1730-an)
Penempatan tak diketahui
Genus Caloenas – Merpati Nikobar
Genus Treron – Merpati hijau (23 spesies)
Genus Phapitreron – Dara coklat (3 spesies)
Genus Leucosarcia – Merpati Wonga
Genus Microgoura – Merpati jambul Choiseul (punah; awal abad ke-20)
Genus Dysmoropelia – Dara Santa Helena (punah)
Genus Bountyphaps - Merpati kuno pulau Henderson (prasejarah)
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Macam Kenari dan Gambarnya

Macam Kenari ato bahasa kerenya Canary, burung kenari ini memiliki jenis yang sangat banyak, misalnya kenari Rojo Nevada, Kenari Macho Raja, kenari Isabela Plata, Hembra Rojo, Marfil Amarillo, Agata Piata dan banyak lagi jenis kenari,, silahkan melihat jenis jenis kenari di gambar di bawah ini dan kunjungi blog kenari ini untuk menambah pengetahuan adna tentang burung mungil bernama kenari atau Canary ini, Selamat menikmati.

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 jenis kenari berdasarkan wilayah, download kenari, membedakan kenari jantan dan betina, membuat kenari cepat bertelur

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Macam Burung Kacer Dan Penyebaranya

Magpie Robin Bird kacer or popular in Indonesia that currently there are two types, namely black kacer which is often referred to Java and kacer kacer kacer pitcher or boat is often called kacer sumatra. These birds are related is still the same in the genus Copsychus.
Bird kacer Java scientific name is Copsychus sechellarum while the pitcher is Copsychus saularis kacer.
Both are a striking difference is only in black and white coat color. Copsychus sechellarum or kacer java black hairy chest all until near the cloaca, while Copsychus saularis ataui kacer black pot just until the chest and down to the cloaca is white. Meanwhile, birds that are very similar to pot or kacer kacer sumatra is kacer Madagascar (Copsychus albospecularis).
Bird kacer consists of 3 types, namely, three species, namely Copsychus saularis, Copsychus sechellarum and Copsychus albospecularis. Especially for Copsychus saularis (Oriental Magpie Robin) is composed of 9 subspecies, namely:

  1. saularis, (Thailand, India, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia)
  2. andamanensis, (Kep. Andaman)
  3. musicus, (Peninsular, Malaysia, Thailand)
  4. prosthopellus, (Hainan-China)
  5. erimelas (India ke Indochina),
  6. pluto (Sabah-Malaysia, Borneo-Indonesia),
  7. ceylonensis (India, Srilanka),
  8. adamsi (Sabah-Malaysia, Borneo-Indonesia),
  9. mindanensis (Mindanao-Philippines).
Kacer Sumatran or kacer pot has a black color on the head, neck limited to chest, back and outer tail. While the white color is in the chest, abdomen and tail parts. The spread from China, India, Nepal, Thailand, Indochina, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Having a loud voice, loud and clever mimic voices around him. Very attractive appearance, opening the tail and the melodious chirping noises. This bird is very fond of hot air.

Black Kacer (Copsychus sechellarum) or the Seychelles Magpie Robin spread ranging from Seychelles (Africa), Java and Kalimantan (Indonesia). The entire body is black, except on the wings are white. Singing ability is very good and clever mimicking the voices around him. Very attractive appearance while playing tail. A moderate. This species is also very happy with hot air.
Meanwhile kacer Madagascar or Madagascar Magpie Robin (Copsychus albospecularis) consists of the three subspecies, ie, pica, albospecularis and inexpectatus. All Copsychus albospecularis subspecies are spread across Africa Madagascar region.

Upper neck, back and tail bluish black. Ability berkicaunya no less than a second cousin C. saularis and C. sechellarum.

Apart from the three species above, there is one type of kacer again circulating among traders and bird owners kacer, namely Kacer Blorok. This species supposedly most people and researchers is the result of interbreeding that occurs in nature, between Kacer Black & White (C. saularis) with Kacer Black (C. sechellarum).
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Quick tips for speeding marriage canary eggs

quick tips for speeding marriage canary eggs, mempercepat kenari agar cepat bertelor
How fast can menangkarkan walnuts for berlelur, you're menangkarkan canary? Difficulties in the process of marriage? Or do not also want to marry a male despite the female is equally visible lust, calm down do not worry, walnuts can spawn and easy way penangkaranya. In this atikel will be discussed how menangkar canaries and tips to match canaries, there are steps in the article on this blog, enjoy. Cara menagkarkan kenari dan cara membuat kenari cepat bertelur. tips agar Canari Kenari cepat bertelor. Quick tips for speeding marriage canary eggs.

The main requirement is simple, ie, in addition we have a male canary who are ready to sex and will be the alpha male, we also have to have another male canary which has also been gacor.

Tips and steps Canary wed Kenari
  1. Never mix the males of females in a long time. That is, during the pairing to want to marry, should never be mixed in one cage.
  2. When the male canary is completely in their daily gacor, and female genital ripe (red swollen cloaca visible) and has drawn up a nest in another cage, a new mating process begins.
  3. If the conditions are pretty much what I mentioned above, then choose the morning after we finished cleaning and feeding all the baby, enter the male canary that was ready was the female canary cage.
  4. If after you have inserted the male canary is not too soon to marry the female is willing to go up, take us another gacor walnuts, and bring to a male-female cage are we going marries.
  5. When he saw a competitor come, usually a male canary will soon be "up" onto the female and mating occurs.
  6. Let the male and female canaries were together until about 1 hour. In the span of time, usually occur 2-3 times or more marriages.
  7. After point 6 is exceeded, separate male and female canaries, so that they do not see each other.
  8. Repeat all steps above for 3 days. Well, after the 4-day mating period, male and female canaries do not need to be mixed again. Females will lay eggs and incubate their own eggs.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Sebab Cucak Ijo Mental Drop Pada Saat Lomba

Penyebab Burung Cucak Ijo Kalah Mental (Drop)
Kenapa pada saat Lomba burung Cucak Hijau Drop atau tidak kuat mental dan kalah mental ? kemungkinan kalah lomba dan cucak Ijo kalah mental banyak yang menyebabkan hal tersebut. Kita akan ulas hal tersebut di artikel Cucak Ijo ini. Mental Burung Cucak Ijo satu hal penting bagi burung semi fighter seperti jenis ini, banyak penyebab burung Cucak Ijo kalah mental atau drop ketika diadu / dihadapkan dengan burung Cucak Ijo lain baik saat di trek, latber maupun lomba. Meski sekilas tampak sederhana, namun para pemain Cucak Ijo khususnya pemula, perlu mengetahui apa saja penyebab burung Cucak Ijo menjadi kalah mental alias drop.
Burung Cucak Ijo yang Drop atau kalah mental dapat diketahui dengan tanda burung tidak berani atau tidak mau alias takut berbunyi (berkicau) mengeluarkan isian saat dipertemukan atau diadu dengan beberapa Cucak Ijo lain saat trend, latber atau lomba, beberapa penyebab burung Cucak Hijau / Cucak Ijo kalah mental (drop) tersebut antara lain adalah :
  1. Kondisi Tidak Fit : Mental berbagai burung jenis apapun khususnya burung-burung fighter seperti Murai Batu, Kacer, Cendet dan Cucak Ijo tentu akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik, keadaan sakit atau kurang fit dapat mengakibatkan burung Cucak Ijo menjadi takut terhadap lawannya, situasi ini tentu akan berpengaruh pada mental Cucak Hijau yang diadu dengan CI lainnya.
  2. Belum Cukup Usia : Tidak jauh berbeda dengan jenis Murai Batu (MB) burung Cucak Ijo juga mengenal senioritas sesama mereka, dalam artian Cucak Ijo muda akan memiliki kecenderungan untuk ogah bongkar isian jika bertemu dengan CI lain yang lebih dewasa (cukup umur) apalagi Cucak Hijau tadi jauh lebih gacor dari si CI muda.
  3. Mabung : Burung apapun termasuk burung Cucak Ijo akan kalah mental jika diadu pada saat burung sedang dalam masa mabung (rontok) sebab pada saat ini burung cenderung lebih fokus kepada pemulihan fisik (proses pergantian bulu) dan memerlukan ketenangan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi yang cukup, bukan masa untuk diadu.
  4. Stress/Trauma : Burung pada masa stress/ trauma, jika dipaksakan dihadapkan dengan burung lain atau sejenis untuk diadu maka akan berakibat fatal, bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mengalami kematian akibat tidak mau makan.
  5. Perawatan : Perawatan yang keliru (tidak intensif) akan membuat burung Cucak Ijo kalah mental jika diadu, perawatan ini meliputi pakan, ekstrafooding (EF), mandi, jemur, umbaran dan penggantangan. Burung Cucak Ijo gacor sekalipun jika salah menentukan posisi gantangan untuk perawatan sehari-hari, bisa berakibat CI mudah drop jika bertemu lawan.
  6. Dll.
Demikian uraian singkat tentang beberapa kemungkinan penyebab burung Cucak Ijo kalah mental atau drop saat diadu. Mengetahui secara pasti penyebab permasalahan kalah mental pada burung Cucak Ijo kita tentu akan memudahkan proses pemulihan mental atau treatment tepat bagi Cucak Hijau kesayangan kita.
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Sebab Cucak Ijo Kalah Lomba

Penyebab Burung Cucak Ijo Kalah Mental (Drop)
collection of bird photos from starting small and large, please enjoy the collection of drawings and photographs of birds in the Indonesian archipelago and even the World. Thankful for the beauty of Nature that the creator gave to man, we must maintain and conserve forests and fauna. Enjoy birdsong Nusantara
Kenapa pada saat Lomba burung Cucak Hijau Drop atau tidak kuat mental dan kalah mental ? kemungkinan kalah lomba dan cucak Ijo kalah mental banyak yang menyebabkan hal tersebut. Kita akan ulas hal tersebut di artikel Cucak Ijo ini. Mental Burung Cucak Ijo satu hal penting bagi burung semi fighter seperti jenis ini, banyak penyebab burung Cucak Ijo kalah mental atau drop ketika diadu / dihadapkan dengan burung Cucak Ijo lain baik saat di trek, latber maupun lomba. Meski sekilas tampak sederhana, namun para pemain Cucak Ijo khususnya pemula, perlu mengetahui apa saja penyebab burung Cucak Ijo menjadi kalah mental alias drop.
Burung Cucak Ijo yang Drop atau kalah mental dapat diketahui dengan tanda burung tidak berani atau tidak mau alias takut berbunyi (berkicau) mengeluarkan isian saat dipertemukan atau diadu dengan beberapa Cucak Ijo lain saat trend, latber atau lomba, beberapa penyebab burung Cucak Hijau / Cucak Ijo kalah mental (drop) tersebut antara lain adalah :
  1. Kondisi Tidak Fit : Mental berbagai burung jenis apapun khususnya burung-burung fighter seperti Murai Batu, Kacer, Cendet dan Cucak Ijo tentu akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik, keadaan sakit atau kurang fit dapat mengakibatkan burung Cucak Ijo menjadi takut terhadap lawannya, situasi ini tentu akan berpengaruh pada mental Cucak Hijau yang diadu dengan CI lainnya.
  2. Belum Cukup Usia : Tidak jauh berbeda dengan jenis Murai Batu (MB) burung Cucak Ijo juga mengenal senioritas sesama mereka, dalam artian Cucak Ijo muda akan memiliki kecenderungan untuk ogah bongkar isian jika bertemu dengan CI lain yang lebih dewasa (cukup umur) apalagi Cucak Hijau tadi jauh lebih gacor dari si CI muda.
  3. Mabung : Burung apapun termasuk burung Cucak Ijo akan kalah mental jika diadu pada saat burung sedang dalam masa mabung (rontok) sebab pada saat ini burung cenderung lebih fokus kepada pemulihan fisik (proses pergantian bulu) dan memerlukan ketenangan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi yang cukup, bukan masa untuk diadu.
  4. Stress/Trauma : Burung pada masa stress/ trauma, jika dipaksakan dihadapkan dengan burung lain atau sejenis untuk diadu maka akan berakibat fatal, bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mengalami kematian akibat tidak mau makan.
  5. Perawatan : Perawatan yang keliru (tidak intensif) akan membuat burung Cucak Ijo kalah mental jika diadu, perawatan ini meliputi pakan, ekstrafooding (EF), mandi, jemur, umbaran dan penggantangan. Burung Cucak Ijo gacor sekalipun jika salah menentukan posisi gantangan untuk perawatan sehari-hari, bisa berakibat CI mudah drop jika bertemu lawan.
  6. Dll.
Demikian uraian singkat tentang beberapa kemungkinan penyebab burung Cucak Ijo kalah mental atau drop saat diadu. Mengetahui secara pasti penyebab permasalahan kalah mental pada burung Cucak Ijo kita tentu akan memudahkan proses pemulihan mental atau treatment tepat bagi Cucak Hijau kesayangan kita.
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Perawatan Pada saat Cucak Hijau Mabung

mabung cucak ijo, cara merawat cucak hijau pada saat mabung, pakan untuk cucak ijo TREATMENT AND POST-RACE CUCAKHIJAU Stelan BIRD
Post-race treatments actually restore function to restore stamina and physical condition of birds. Perawatan pakan dan cara merawat cucak Ijo pada saat Mabung atau sedang bulunya berganti, semua burung pasti akan mabung dan cara perawatan cucak Hijau pada saat mabung kita bahas di artikel di bawah ini. Kumpulan artikel burung Nusantara ada di sini.

  • The following pattern Stelan Care and post-race for bird CucakHijau:
  • EF portion is returned to Stelan Daily.
  • Give multivitamins in drinking water at H +1 after the contest.
  • Until H +3 after the competition, a maximum of 30 minutes drying.
Moult (Moulting) or hair loss is a natural cycle of the bird family. Treatment of birds during moult is a very important thing, because if the wrong treatment at this time will make the bird become damaged. During this moult, the bird's body metabolism increased by almost 40% of normal conditions. Therefore, birds need good quality nutrition with a larger portion than normal conditions. Avoid bringing a kind of bird with bird, because it will make the process of moult to be disturbed. The impact of this is hormonal imbalance in the body of birds. The process of moult was also related to reproductive hormones.
Following the moult pattern of Nursing:
  • Place the bird in a quiet place, away from human traffic. We recommend that more birds in dikerodong conditions.
  • Bathroom quite 1x a week and dry in the sun a maximum of 30 minutes / day.
  • Giving EF portion given more because it is very necessary for the formation of new cells and to new hair growth. For example: Cricket Stelan made 5 tail tail am and 5 pm, Kroto 1 tablespoon every morning and Silkworm Hong Kong 3 heads every morning.
  • Provide a quality multivitamin that is mixed in drinking water 2x a week.
  • Expand the provision of papaya fruit, because papaya is very easy to digest, so launching the process of metabolism of birds. Besides, Papaya fruit contains lots of vitamin C which will help increase endurance birds.
  • Do pemasteran. Moult period to make the bird more at rest and listen. This is the time to fill out the sound variation in accordance with what we want. Do pemasteran correctly, adjust the sound character and type of bird with bird sound master.
Green Cucak very melodious voice and very loud, cucakHijau care how this should be very clean cage. The rhythm of the song that birds plays a very important in the assessment of the race birds chirping. Since returning to the philosophy of birds chirping, the main attraction is the ability of birds chirping berkicaunya (rhythm track).
Choosing the voices of our masters for the mainstay of birds should not focus only select sounds and master the unique sounds good.
Very many methods and ways that can be done in the process pemasteran birds chirping. And also a lot of developing a false myths in practice in the field. One of the strange myth that developed, the bird would have to look at the master's master of birds, for birds of the master's style to imitate the sound of birds and how to master the open mouth. Another myth is that the process must wait pemasteran birds chirping birds in a state of hair dressing or moult.

Actually; Pemasteran can we do not have to wait for the bird chirping in a state of moult or moult. Birds chirp in normal circumstances, even in the top form pemasteran else can be done. There is a myth that says pemasteran birds had to wait for the birds moult.
The reason is because; At the time of moult, birds chirping tend to mostly silent and very rarely sing. Birds are mostly silent during the moult, tend to use more time to listen and process sounds that exist around it. If the voice in accordance with the typical character of her voice, it will be recorded and imitated.
The key to success in bird memaster (pemasteran birds chirping) is memaster birds with sounds of the master (Master bird), a suitable and in accordance with the basic character of bird song will be on the master (bird mascot).
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Penanganan CUcak Hijau Harian

cara merawat harian burung cucak ijo, perawatan cucak hijau pada saat lomba, cara menanganani apabila sedang drop, cara memilih cucak hijau
Daily care for the birds Cucak Hijau relatively similar to other types of birds chirping, the key to the success of daily care that is routine and consistent. Cara perawatan burung cucak Hijau, mulai dari memberi pakan dan cara merawat harian, makanan apa yang di gemari, cara penanganan pada saat burung cucak hijau ini drop, waktu yang tepat untuk memandikan burung cucak hijau ini. Cara memanjakan burung pada saat mau lomba, dan banyak lagi yang akan di ahas untuk burung cucak Ijo ini, selamat menikmati artikel tentang burung Cucak Hijau. Yang Terpenting Manjakan burung CUcak Hijau anda, tetap usahakan kandang bersih dan segar setiap hari agar cucak hijau nyaman. kumpulan artikel burung hanya di blog ini.
  1. Following this pattern, and Daily Care for bird CucakHijau Stelan Daily:
  2. 07.00 aerated birds on the terrace. At 07.30 the bird bath (shower or spray cages, depending on the habits of each bird).
  3. Clean the cage daily. Replace or add Voer, Drinking Water and fresh fruit.
  4. Cricket Give 3 heads on EF tube. Never give directly Cricket in birds.
  5. Drying can be done for 1-2 hours / day starting at 08:00 to 11:00. During drying, the bird should not see the bird kind.
  6. After drying, wind-aired diteras return the bird for 10 minutes, then cage dikerodong.
  7. During the day until late afternoon (10:00 to 15:00 hours) of birds can be Master or Master with the sound of birds Master.
  8. 15:30 hours the birds come back diteras aerated, can be bathed when necessary.
  9. Give Cricket 2 tails on EF tube.
  10. 18:00 hours and the birds return dikerodong voice perdengarkan Master during the recess until the morning.
  1. Kroto given fresh 1 teaspoon maximum of 2x a week. Example every Monday morning and Thursday morning.
  2. Fresh Fruit supplied routine every day, with the format: Monday to Thursday to give fruit Papaya, Fridays and Saturdays to give Apple or Banana or other fruit.
  3. Pengumbaran in the cage umbaran can be 4 hours per day for 4 days a week.
  4. Give multivitamins are mixed in drinking water only once a week.
  5. Give a banana that has been smeared honey on Saturdays.
  1. Cricket Crop portions into 1 am and 1 pm
  2. Can be given 2 tail caterpillar Bamboo in 3 consecutive days
  3. The frequency of bathing made more frequently, for example, early in the afternoon and evening
  4. Drying duration reduced to 30 minutes / day
  1. Increase servings of Cricket to 5 am and 5 pm
  2. Increase servings of Kroto be 3x a week
  3. Bathing made ​​2 days only
  4. Birds to be isolated, do not see and hear other birds formerly Cucak Hijau
  5. The duration of drying was increased to 2-3 hours / day
Nursing race is not really much different from daily care. The purpose of treatment at this stage is to prepare the bird for having the desired level of desire and have the stamina that is stable. The key to success is to know a good race care basic character of each bird.
Following Treatment Patterns and Competition for bird Cucak Stelan Green:
  1. H-3 before the race, crickets can be raised to 10 fish in the morning and 6 evening tails.
  2. H-2 before the race, the bird should be dried in the sun a maximum of 30 minutes.
  3. 1 Hour before digantang race, give Cricket 3 heads and tails Silkworm Hong Kong 10-20.
  4. If the bird will drop the race again, give Cricket a longer tail.
  1. Do not bathe the bird at the time in the field, because it can make the bird lust becomes very unstable.
  2. Provide opportunities for birds to adapt to the field briefly in the atmosphere, so that the bird was not surprised.
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Cara Memilih Cucak Hijau dan Makanan Cucak Ijo

cucak hijau, setelan pakan harian, cara perawatan cucak hijau, cara memilih bakalan cucak hijau, membedakan jantan dan betina burugcucak hijau
CucakHijau Bird (Bird Cucak Ijo) is one bird that can not be underestimated. Stars the more glorious, as evidenced in competitions in several regions of birds chirping, which opened for classes this bird was always full. Even the transfer has been very much gacoan CucakHijau with fantastic value. Cara perawatan harian burung cucak Hijau, Pakan yang Cocok dengan burung cucak Hijau, dan pemilihan bakalan burung ini mari kita bahas satu persatu. Selamat Menikmati cara perawatan burung cucak hijau.

  1. Semi fighter. This bird is not a pure fighter bird, fighting power that exist in these birds tend to be due to the level of desire to a certain level that would make this bird to maintain its territorial area.
  2. Fear of the dark. Cucak Hijau Bird does not like dark and easy to panic if they are in a dark environment or atmosphere. Avoid placing this bird in a dark place, let alone take him at night. Because it will cause this bird will panic, crashing trellis cages, feathers fall out and can be stressful.
  3. Very intelligent, easy to imitate but very easy to forget. Under normal conditions, these birds can record the sound field around it very quickly. Very easy to master, but if in a certain period of time not to hear the voices of the existing master, then easily lost from memory.
  4. Easy to tame. Due to the high beradaptasinya ability, it is easy to tame birds to humans.
There are some important things that must be considered in the selection of materials or going to the birds Cucak Green.
  1. Androgynous males, the characteristics of male sexual Green Cucak bird can be seen from a long posture matching, longer tail, spine and small chopsticks meeting, fur color more assertive, dark beak, the color of the hair on the bottom of the neck is black and form a mask on his face, big eyes bulging, larger head shape and move swiftly.
  2. Beak shape, you should select the form of half the stem width, thick, big and long. Part bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. The position of the nostrils select close as possible to the position of the eye.
  3. Body posture, choose materials that berpostur medium length neck, body and tail and feet to match. Do not choose material that necked and short bodied.
  4. The wings and legs tucked tightly gripping a strong, healthy, indicating the material. The color of the feet does not affect the mental birds.
  5. Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of a good mentality.
  6. Diligent sound, this indicates the bird has a bright prospect.
  7. Long neck contains solid. Indicate this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
  1. Voer (we suggest you choose the levels of proteins were as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer that will fit every bird CucakHijau metabolic system. Voer given as a nutritional supplement needs. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  2. Fresh Fruit, birds love the fruit is Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruit. We recommend that you multiply the provision of fruits Papaya, because of Papaya fruit contains a high vitamin C that help increase endurance. In addition, papaya fruit is easily digested and is perfect with an average metabolic system of fruit-eating birds.
  3. EF (Extra Fooding), additional food is very good are: Crickets, Orong-orong, Kroto, Silkworm Hong Kong, Bamboo caterpillars, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. Provision of EF shall always be adapted to the character of each bird and also need to know with certainty the impact of these clauses of the gift EF
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