10 Steps Farming turtledove
To friends and readers, especially fans of turtledove beginners who have not had time to read this article from the Weekly Agrobis, listed below in summary with little modification of the suggested ways to raise turtledove is divided into
10 steps turtledove breeding which can be
explained as follows:
1. School turtledove
2. Blood or blood line
3. Competition / contest or latber
4. Breeder
5. Candidate sires
6. Crossing
7. Cage
8. Matching
9. Management cages
10. Maintenance piyik
1. School turtledove
Something new that we want to know, including breeding, we should learn from the easiest or lowest, such as school pupils who learn from kindergarten, elementary, middle and so on up to S1, S2 and thereafter.
In the breeding first and foremost step that needs to be done is to find and select sires for breeding. If we are not clever-clever tricks for how to deal with this, one-one we can be bruised and exhausted bunch of money.
How to buy a cheap used turtledove piyik phrase "cepekan" and maintain it, while we learn and understand various aspects of his voice, food, maintenance, and others. After becoming adults, we already understand well is expected to change in the quality and rhythm of his voice that we want.
When you feel better to know, buy a turtledove piyik that are more expensive, the same goal to monitor the development of the turtledove piyik to adulthood. So forth we seek to improve the quality of turtledove with the ability of the available funds. Thus we will be spared from gorokan breeders who are not responsible and also to avoid a prank, "turtledove school was expensive."
2. Blood or blood line
Most successful breeders say that the descendants of blood elements flowing in a turtledove or referred to "breed" is to determine its quality. Walalupun there are some breeders who believe that the sound quality of a turtledove can be created by doing a "crossing". The author believes that the blood of a turtledove breed originally also results from a long job postings and hammering a study based on the science of Mendel's crossing of the law.
Thus, to buy a turtledove piyik, in addition to observing his voice, nor should it have turtledove piyik blood flow clear and nice.
3. Competition / contest or Latber
Come, see and listen to the voice turtledove is contested or contest, also at the time of joint exercises, while asking the farmer or the fans who know better turtledove (senior), is the best place to learn. In this way we will increasingly understand how sound is good and true turtledove. Remember the adage: "Embarrassed to ask, misguided street."
On occasion, we also can know directly or indirectly the price of a turtledove based on the quality of her voice. The goal is that we do not become victims, and slaughtered by ranchers naughty when we are going to choose and buy candidate sires for breeding.
4. Breeder
To purchase a turtledove candidate sires, we inevitably have to come to certain farmers to select and purchase seed turtledove. In our country today, many even thousands of small-scale farmers, medium to large with thousands of stalls.
Before determining the choice to buy, it is advisable to come to some farmers as a comparison and consideration of both kualiats and price. And do not have the wrong idea that the small farmer or are not having good quality turtledove with a sloping price compared to large farmers who already famous and have a name. And nongkronglah a few hours to listen to sound good turtledove piyik Indukannya results also breeds farmed and blood. In an established breeder usually has a typical livestock piyik results, for example, the average voice Cowong, or front ends ndelosor or scream, and others. It is highly influenced by the preferences of Peternaknya, when the Breeders favorite whose voice cowong, then almost certainly the result ternakannyapun turtledove voiced cowong average, and so forth.
Farmers who have already established an average of intensive breeding for 2 (two) years more, so that some chicks wear Indukannya already own a selection F2 or F3 and only some form of sires from outside as the completeness or to meet current demand trends.
While Farmers who have not established among others, characterized by variatifnya Indukaannya and was looking shape. And usually piyiknya prices still relatively cheap compared to an established breeder with the same quality.
5. Candidate sires
In order to more rapidly produce chicks, the best performing membali candidate sires that have been aged about 4 (four) months where the time is right and easy to start matchmaking, so that at the age of 5-7 months can begin to bertelor. And should be selected that older females about a month from the male. Unlike the old usually difficult paired or that females often being chased by the males are usually more aggressive / vicious.
Sires a good candidate should be selected that has the following vote. :
- Voice front, middle and end good.
- The rhythm of his voice to the beat of a rather tenuous and tired / leisure.
- Background or water and penetrating voice cowong either large or small volume, do a wet and hoarse voice.
- Also do not forget the flow of blood breeds with a clear pedigree.
- Note also the shape of her body are in harmony and there is no defect.
6. Crossing
After getting some prospective breeders Males and Females, the next step is crossed pair turtledove on the basis of individual voice to be able to produce turtledove a better sound quality. Here we are required to learn how science is right and good croosing by learning from reading books or learning theory directly to a number of successful breeders ynag in general have understood the technique of cross crossed ..
Another shortcut is easier, namely by imitating or memfotocopy one cage the obvious Indukannya and child is the result of good by buying a sister or brother with a clear risk that the price must be the child is expensive and results are not guaranteed to be as good as the original ..
7. Cage
Once we get a few pairs of candidate sires are considered suitable and fit for breeding, then the next preparation is stable.
No provision was definitely a good size cage, which is important and needs to be considered is how much area is available and the size of the cage is adjusted with the existing land. Also for efficient materials are usually made of wire, then usually the height can 45, 90, 135 or 180 cm in width to fit the wire, while the width and length adjustable, and the ideal that is suggested; width: 60 cm, length: 100 - 180 cm. Even with the cage size: 50 (L) x 60 (P) x 50 (T) can be used for breeding provided they are not often removable from its place, especially during the period of brooding telornya. And the floor can be made from ordinary or sandy soil, can also be a cement floor. Similarly, the roof can be of critical materials, asbestos or whatever. The very need to be considered, among others, should receive morning sun, sufficient moisture, distance to place the roof of the nest is not too close so as not too hot. And try to rats, cats and similar animals mbisa enter kekandang, including ants and the lizard. The material can also be wood, steel or aluminum depending on the ability of the available budget.
Location of the cage should not be near a source of noise, but should also not be a quiet place that is rarely visited by man / person, turtledove will be more accustomed and feel comfortable if frequently visited and face to face with the man / person.
8. Matching
Technics match is also important to know well, because both candidates breeders do not just direct mate, but it requires the process to know each other first by, among others, both placed in a separate cage and every day is always juxtaposed. After one or two weeks, after looking both of them have known each other with signs of nodding to each other and if sleep at night always wanted to close. So they remain united in a small cage for a few days earlier.
The time is right to enter into the cattle pen was the previous evening with these two sires cvalon turtledove dilolohi green beans that have been soaked until soft, vitamin-E, fish oil, B-complex and slightly moistened her body, it is hoped the evening would sleep close together.
A few weeks later they will perform marriage and ready to bertelor, do not forget to put up a nest of woven rattan fed pine needles or dry grass for egg-laying telornya.
If it is not usually a male mate or vicious, then the male was arrested and bathed or if necessary digodi (wings tied 5-6 pieces) and then put the cage back.
9. Management cages
Each cage should be given the signs for example by number or name will be anything up to each one. Also it's good breeding pair made a record of what the BF with the ring, date of birth, etc. /
Note when each pair in each cage has started to take marriage, for purposes prepared nest. Make a special note (if necessary with the computerization) when starting bertelor, when estimated brood hatch after 14-15 days, what were the results (hatched all or not only one or bhakan not hatch all), check the state of eggs do not hatch to find out the cause, etc. .
Pasanganlah Ring on one / both of his legs at age piyik about 7-9 days and the rest is up to us whether piyik will still be returned to Its mother or be mothered by Puter is deposited as a foster parent substitute. To note, if you will use services that are Puter should incubate at least 10 days which is already producing milk ditemboloknya Puter. Broodstock replacement service can also be done by Diamond Dove which is a kind turtledove from Australia whose body is smaller.
In the edition that will come with another topic we will discuss how to incubate eggs turtledove using Puter services or Diamond Dove is the goal to make our favorite sires bertelor more productive and produce more tillers piyik.
10. Maintenance piyik
Piyik-piyik Perkutut after 1-1.5 months of age should have started Its mother is separated from both turtledove and Puter / Diamond Dove, because they already can begin to feed themselves and usually Indukannya also been reluctant to overfeed and have started to mate again.
Piyik-piyik are placed inside the wooden cage size 50 (L) x 70 (L) x 50 (T) 80-10 cm tail together, if necessary, provided the lights for the heater, especially at night or in cold air in the rainy season.
We recommend that each piyik given vitamin supplements which include; B-complex, fish oil, calcium and worming before inserting it into the wooden cage.
Make every day a minimum of two days at least once dried from 08.00 hours until jam.11.00, in order to get the morning sun and ultra violet light enough for good health. And the drink is given additional vitamin twice a week to increase body resistance.
Stepping on the age of 3 (three) months, if desired
piyik-piyik already be separated and each one put into solitary cage for can be easier to monitor voice and determine the quality of her voice.
Next can be used as a material consideration and assessment of whether a particular breeding cages are correct or less correct, so needs a revamp Indukannya partner in his efforts to always improve the quality of the sound quality.