Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Main Branjangan Problem

branjangan,kicau branjangan,wallpaper branjanganKicau Nusantara MAIN PROBLEMBRANJANGAN

1. Not immediately complete moult
2. After moult not immediately sound
3. Feathers fall off easily

1. Moult was not immediately completed: Branjangan mabung too long a process caused by the slow growth of new feathers.

In contrast to walnuts, for example, branjangan not like "snacking". That is, the process of moult becomes slow because not enough energy to drive the rapid growth of feathers. The feathers and fur sleeve consists of more than 90% protein, especially proteins called keratins. Different proteins with a protein coat on the body and the eggs and require a different amount of proportional amino acid (building block of cells or proteins).

Birds must eat a diet with amino acid content type is then absorbed and stored as protein (keratin) specifically for the purposes of hair growth. This process is very important for birds and bird's body must work extra to get adequate nutrition to form a perfect feather.

To provide the necessary Branjangan types of proteins, we can provide BirdVit and / or BirdMolt. Both multivitamins This not only makes birds fit, but also getting enough amino acids to the growth of feathers.

2. After mabung not fast due to the reconditioning of bird sounds too long. To expedite this reconditioning BirdVit also be given to the daily care during and after the moult.

Alternatively, you can provide a retreat-retreat as extrta fooding (EF) branjangan. Just search for small animals (1-4 average size of a matchbox bulb) 10-15 tails. Stocking into into a brick and will be bubukan branjangan meal. This step can be coupled with bringing branjangan jammed with a gacor branjangan, so you can easily provoked and back sound.

3. Hairs easily fall mainly caused by the attack parasites (lice and worms) and mineral deficiencies.

Make sure you spray the birds once a month with FreshAves.

To prevent mineral deficiency, do not forget to always use the blended brick bubukan BirdMineral as the bottom of the cage.
Other Post Kicau Birds Nusantara :


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