Friday, June 17, 2011

Hornbills: Farmers of Forgotten Tropical Forests

Hornbills: Farmers of Forgotten Tropical Forests (Rangkok)
hornbills, rangkok, burung rangkok papua dan makanan rangkok papua, jenis burung rangkok papua
Rangkok birds in the State of Indonesia. Forests have a vital function as life support. Not only as a source of biodiversity, forests also produce oxygen and regulate the water cycle. Indonesia, as the owner's third largest tropical forest in the world, committed to reduce carbon emissions by 26 percent to 14 percent contribution of the forestry sector.

Wildlife hornbill is a very meritorious on forest regeneration. Without a tough farmer hornbill, is expected to be immediately destroyed forests and the potential contained in it come evicted.

Many tree species are dependent on the continuation of the fruit-eating animals in the spread of seeds. Hornbill is a bird species that perform these activities. Without the role of hornbills, we can be sure of certain tree species will disappear due to an aging parent tree will die without a successor.
Figs is one of the favorite feed hornbill which is available almost year-round. It is estimated, there are 200 species of fig tree into the main feed hornbill. And when compared to other bird, hornbill is considered the most qualified in the fig seeds to spread because of high home range.

According to experts, a hornbill can fly within 100 miles square. That is, birds are included in this Bucerotidae family can spread the seeds up to 100 miles away. Margaret F. Kinnaird and Timothy G. O'Brien, researchers and tropical forest hornbill, hornbill dubbed the forest because of his prowess as a farmer sowing seed. According to them, there is a close correlation between the hornbill with a healthy forest.

However, many trees were damaged by hornbills feed penggudulan activities without selective logging of forests. Research conducted in the area of ​​production forests show, hornbill food resources shrink to 56 percent due to reduced feed the tree as much as 76 percent. These conditions make the hornbill increasingly squeezed and began to lose habitat.

Based on data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), of 13 hornbill species that exist in Indonesia, towering Sumba (Aceros everetti) is an endangered species that enter the category of Vulnerable (Vulnerable / VU). Types that are only found on the island of Sumba is estimated that only less than 4,000 left tail with an average density of 6 birds per square km.

Keeping forests remain sustainable it is fitting to do. The existence of living beings in it, especially the interaction between animals and plants that have been keeping the integrity of the forest should not be ignored


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