Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Info Cucak HIjau

Cucak green (CH) Cucak Hijau which is known most sip from Jember / Banyuwangi (this is the same area). Second, is the CH Blora area of ​​Central Java. That today many in the market is characterized by CH sumatranan parents tend lustrous green color yellowish; body is relatively smaller than the CH Jember or Blora.
For CH Blora or banyuwanginan / muddy, usually kept tightly by the seller on the market and only given to customers or the public purchaser with a special price.
For CH Jember or Blora, besides the body is relatively large, easy green feathers tend to look dull.

Food and care
CH as well as other types of cucak love fruit (especially bananas) and insects (especially crickets or grasshoppers small type) and tube worms. That's the main meal and preferences.
For home-based care, should be accustomed to eating voor. For the birds going to, train with a pinch voor sticking to bananas, so until a week two weeks, surely CH will voor hooked. But at the same time, provide a separate feed voor in place.
Get used to give crickets (morning, afternoon, evening each of 4 to 8 tails, depending on the level of "starving" the CH) by means of direct thrust from the hand. In the early stages, by a stick shoved so birds do not fear, so continue until the time comes CH benign and prolonged warble with loudness when we teased with crickets.
How to bathe ya like other birds, karamba ok, spray can also; it's just not for too long to dry (1 hour morning is enough, and another hour or so late afternoon is also good if you have time).
It is generally complained of hair loss is the custodian of CH to CH that is usually continuous nyulam (not molt in unison). This usually happens when a bird a little stress, or foods that keep changing (usahan always use the same voor; any brand).
CH Advantage: easy to imitate other sounds (easily dimaster) / easy given the sound field.
Weaknesses: Easy to forget the old stuffing sound heard when a new field.
To get the sound quality is stable, it should be kept taped to his master (the nicest crickets, Walang scandal, lovebird or cucak beard).


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